Just In
for Damsel in Distress

7/27/2009 c6 2MoreOfAWolfGirlThanYou
AW ! What a cute ending :)

I totally think this should be made into a series !

I'm desperate to see what life is like for Harry living with Sirius and there is so much more that can be done to show how everyone develops - in particular Harry and Ginny's relationship !

I really hope you turn it into a series :) amazing chapter !
7/26/2009 c6 11Worldmaker
Do people ever really ask "Will you be my girlfriend?" You were doing so well up until that awful line...
7/26/2009 c6 1stopthatbluecat
Oh no, this wasn't a lovely story at all, I would never want a series...if you don't physically feel the sarcasm in every word I just wrote, you are crazy in a bad way. I loved your story, I want more. Yay you!
7/26/2009 c6 Merlyn the wizard
I like the story, its a nice idea and I would encourage you to continue it as a series.
7/26/2009 c6 x-Amz-x

This is awesome!
7/25/2009 c6 Julian1393
Nice story! I've always had a soft spot for Ginny, and I really like your portrayal of her.

I would absolutely love it if this became a series!

See you around :)
7/25/2009 c6 9unusualblainers
oh...I loved your story!

It's very original
7/25/2009 c6 14awtr101fan cute was that? i thought this last chapter was such a great ending 2 the story. from a possible fite scene 2 a romantic moment w/ a 1st kiss, this ending has it all. i'm sad 2 c it end so quickly. i don't know about ne of the other people reading this but i 4 1 would luv 2 c a sequel or a whole series come out of this. keep up the great riting & have a good 1 :)
7/25/2009 c6 14Cerdwyn3
LOVE IT! LOVE IT! Pretty Please continue as a series! I would be fantastic to see what happens in this timeline. The only thing I could suggest is a deeper understanding of how Harry fell for Ginny, I mean from his POV ^_^
7/25/2009 c6 15MayhemPrincess
I read this story at Siye several times:) And yes I just had to read it again here...and my H/G fan heart squees every time I read the end of the story, so thank you for this wonderful fic and about turning it into a series? HELL YEAH!
7/25/2009 c6 2RiddleMeThis1926
yeah you should definetly make it into a series i really want to see rons reaction haha it out to be good but om one thing dont make him hate harry that happens all the time now kinda over used but hey its your book do what ever you want. :)
7/25/2009 c6 100WickedSong
Aww, that end was really. I am 100% in favour of you making this a series.

I'll put you on my alerts just in case you do make a series.

Great story.
7/25/2009 c6 93RebeccaRoy
That was cute and a series would be awesome!
7/25/2009 c6 SmoothieKing
wow that was fab but i think it was rushed at the end! I definately think you should make it into a series. Thx for a good read :D x
7/25/2009 c6 7yukikiralacus
Thank you for writing this story! It was amazing!
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