Just In
for Cullenism

10/18/2023 c2 Axolittle
lol loving it
10/18/2023 c1 Axolittle
wut lol
9/29/2014 c1 23Imsii

I certainly wasn't expecting Edward to tickle Emmett, haha. What a nice twist! And the part where Rosalie said "You're on your own boy" reminded me of something she would say.

Oh Emmett, what are we going to do with you?
12/1/2013 c2 Aye mon
10/21/2013 c2 Ally
me and my sisti (aye mon) live in voorhees just to let you know
10/21/2013 c2 aye mon
4/19/2013 c3 1lydia98
please update :)
1/14/2013 c3 2teamedward-slenderman
I want that burger Bella! It is MINE!
10/22/2012 c3 1x Lady of the Sun x
giggles that was funny

9/3/2012 c3 catnisse
5/1/2012 c3 5LandOfTheLivingSkys
hahahah XD that was really funny. LOOVE IT! :)
5/1/2012 c2 LandOfTheLivingSkys
You know... I really like this :D annnd ... HOLY COW BALLS. I.AM.AWEOMSE.! *says with lisp*

:D can't wait till you update again (:
5/1/2012 c1 LandOfTheLivingSkys
I think it's good! funny,and cute :D
6/2/2011 c3 i-love-jasper-cullen
I wasn't really reading what you said until I saw gymnastics me too! What level are you in write it in your next authors note!

Amy~ thanks =D
6/2/2011 c3 i-love-jasper-cullen
I wasn't really reading what you said until I saw gymnastics me too! What level are you in write it in your next authors note!

Amy~ thanks
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