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for Trainning and Loving

11/4/2013 c4 Anon
This is a really good story, but what keeps going through my mind is that they have to be careful because Maria does not allow mates in her army and that is why Peter and Charlotte ran away in the book. Other then that fact it is a truly good story and your grammer mistakes are easily over looked, and English is my first language and I still make mistakes when it comes to spelling xD
3/7/2013 c6 7twlightbella
Bella and Jasper are so romantic
7/26/2012 c6 8Mika the Dark princess
Lov it
12/18/2010 c6 bellacullenmccartywhitlock
What did he mean when he said, “Unless you bite me more than once..” ? Is that an innuendo or something? Oohh, I kinda hope it is. :
6/10/2010 c6 21Peaceful Dragon Rose
good chapter
4/18/2010 c6 weflytothetardis
3/27/2010 c6 12Millen
Great story! please continue!
1/24/2010 c6 6Catiedidit
I really enjoyed this! I like the idea of bella being with maria... update soon!
9/25/2009 c6 13WhiteBaron
Por favor, upload más capítulos en "Trainning and Loving"! És una gran historia y yo a gusto mucho! Responda-me por favor!
8/24/2009 c6 ScarletSea
I love your story, will they be meeting up with the Cullens in the story? Please update soon :)
8/13/2009 c6 3HDCullen
This was so good I was whispering the lines in a country accent. I mean seriously I live up north, I didn't even know I could make my vioce sound country!
7/15/2009 c6 xnewmoonx
Write more!
7/4/2009 c6 1WailFin
OHOOH! I love it! Not like it! Actually love can not explain a fraction of what I feel for this story!... I sound like some person who found their soulmate :0 | O.o | lol
7/3/2009 c6 Conan in love
it so sweat
7/3/2009 c6 1NenaaTH
great chapter cant wait for the next one!
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