Just In
for Phoenix Sannin

8/4/2013 c8 Kieran
Please update the story need more it is a thing of Beauty that must be finished
2/23/2013 c8 Rasengan89
Loving the story so far, has an awesome amount of detail for an amazing story
Keep it up :)
2/2/2013 c8 1Ultimate Challenge writer
Hey I kind of think that you need to give him maybe Hana I. because that I think is what it needs
1/3/2013 c1 anbucaptin
i need more lemons
12/24/2012 c2 danny
why is naruto only 3 inches tall
11/28/2012 c4 Guest
insane in the brain
11/25/2012 c8 KillerDonut
I hope you plan on finishing this story and you know i wouldnt mind seeing Hana joining Kure/Naru/Anko since she is friends with the two girls but this is if you plan on finishing this story if you havent giving up writing cuz of what they planed to do but never really did as far as i saw intil next time. Ja ne
11/20/2012 c8 missourijack
when are you going to update this the message above said 1-2 months its been way longer please let me know if u plan to update soon
10/25/2012 c1 Ranmaleopard
this is really awesome and interesting i cant wait to see what happens next please continue!
10/22/2012 c3 Macilnar
Why on earth wouldn't they tell him who his parents are? He is obviously ready to know, at this rate I have to wonder if they are trying to get Naruto to turn on Konoha.
10/19/2012 c7 4Lymixan
Nice story.
Thank you for posting.
Hope to see more updates for this and/or any fic's
you've written so far or will write in the future.
9/10/2012 c8 2InkMystic
Well I'm sad to hear about the crackdown, I hope it doesn't last to long. On bright side I'm really getting into your story I never really considered a Naruto/Kurenai pairing but I guess the bottom line is I just can't get enough of the sentimentality of romance. I look forward to your next update
9/10/2012 c8 dracoessa
Dam good story so far, I hope that FF would allow you to continue this story.
9/10/2012 c7 Guest
why does kurenai get jealous when she cheated on naruto with anko?
9/8/2012 c8 DN
Wright more ppppllllllzzzzzzz
And sasuke is a prick
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