Just In
for Phoenix Sannin

9/8/2012 c7 10Wolfone10
I think the harem should have Hinata in it, because it's completely believable, like Anko, Hinata has ties to Kurenai.. Out of ANYONE Kurenai would be willing to share Naruto with, it would be Anko and Hinata... As all 3 of them are already connected in some way.. ALSO with what BAKA Kiba did, well I don't think Hinata would open up to anyone else, but seeing Kurenai so happy with Naruto, PLUS she's already blushed up a storm around him, AND he was the one to put baka kiba in his place... SO for ALL these reason I think she should be added to the harem.
8/31/2012 c8 5flame55
This is a great
8/14/2012 c8 3Newbiegod35
Update, just read it it is very good
8/13/2012 c8 CaliAce17
liking your story hopefully sasgay gets killed off
8/10/2012 c8 4That GreenMachine
Lovin it! its Awesome
8/7/2012 c5 serialkeller
You really need to never use the japanese language again, because you are butchering the crap out of it and it doesn't help your story, it degrades it. Also the uchiha better be on probation for this as he is a complete moron and I don't mind bashing, but I really hope you kill sasuke, danzo and sakura off really soon, like demon of the mist soon for the two rookies and danzo during the invasion is good
8/7/2012 c3 serialkeller
Why didn't he tell Naruto about his parents? It's not like he isn't strong enough and he's definitely mature enough. Makes no sense.
8/2/2012 c1 Guest
hey this is Raijin Destroyer. Since your saying we can pick who is in the pairing, I say put Samui and Yugito in it. THEY ARE HOTTTTT!
8/2/2012 c8 me
I hope that you are continuing to write this story... it is very entertaining to read. And I always like it when Sasuke is put in his place... lol
8/1/2012 c8 shadowfang jutsu
i will always stand with the great writers of the site and with the petition as high as it is they might put the MA rating back on fanfic
7/2/2012 c7 Guest
6/21/2012 c8 Reaper
Really good story I really do hope you get to update this story soon because its really good.
6/21/2012 c4 Reaper
Really good but there is something wrong though. In his fight with Jiraiya you had him at 9 years old so shouldnt that make him kage level at 9 years old instead of 12 like you got him in this chapter. He was gone for 3 years on a traing trip so when he came back he should be 12. If so then he became a kage level shinobi at 9 and not 12.
6/5/2012 c8 rescue 007
You will never update this story, Thats why I took it off alert . It's been forever
6/4/2012 c8 snake1980
i aggree with bloodlinenaruto on this hole deal. the story is rated m for a reason so u know violence and lemons are going to happen, its rated m for that reason. and if this does happen then alot of people are going to leave this site and go somewhere else to read this stuff. i just hope it doesnt happen but have to wait and see.
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