Just In
for Scream For Me

11/4/2022 c60 Lehlune049
I hope this Fic will end at some point, i loved reading every chapter of it!
8/2/2022 c60 Ashley Hannah
I fell in love with this story years ago and was hoping to find new chapters, I hope you come back to this story and finish it soon. Michael and Jason never made up...and Jason still can't 'think' to anyone. This story is so different from all the other slasher fanfics I've come across, it's definitely my favorite one ever! I would love to continue reading this beautiful work of art.
7/12/2022 c60 D.jackson
Please complete this story, because I haven't lost interest.
2/19/2022 c1 Guest
I just love this story. Takes me back years ago to when I first found it and would spend all day and night breezing through the chapters. It’s never truly left my mind, I always find my way back to this story one way or another. I know there’s basically no chance of getting more chapters at this point, life happens and that’s okay. You created something truly special. I hope you know that, and I wish you great happiness in your life, wherever you are.
2/16/2022 c1 Guest
It's been years since I've even laid a finger on this series. I remember laying in my bed in the dark reading these long chapters over the summer, completely lost in this world you created with these horror characters. The nostalgia almost brings me to tears. I have no clue if you'll be notified or ever look back at this, but know that you were an inspiration with your writing. I won't ask for another chapter because I know it's been years and I am most definitely sure you are far from coming back to this and that is perfectly okay. I'm just glad that I found this back then. It made me enjoy these characters even more.

For my goodbye, I'd just like to say: Thank you.
1/31/2021 c1 KellyCraft
this story is so beatiful i cant stop reading i hope u continue soon!
11/7/2019 c4 Trinity335
so does kyako or carrie live below them?
7/17/2019 c52 Guest
Reading is great! I support Voorhees. Ive been called nothing by my sis just for reading a good book. That book is so much like Mikes life. To to much. Micheal is beautiful. This chapter made me want to cry. Dreams really do come true.
7/17/2019 c47 Guest
Kissy Kissy! The two silent ones. To be fair, Ghostface did do a lot of the cleaning and stuff at 1331. And just wondering did you make Freddy a giant jerk because you don't like him and Ghostface have attractions for Michael and be the abused one because you feel that's what would happen if you were in Ghosface's situation?
Now I want to gaze upon Ghostface's face. Now he just sounds good looking and I want to see what he looks like.
7/17/2019 c46 Guest
Amazing how it took, what-167 deaths for the place to close down? Love how Jason knew what his mom meant and just got to clarifying. Mrs. Voorhees is the sweetest person! When she isn't murderous. But so nice!
7/16/2019 c45 Guest
Ghost face, that mills second thing you made up isn't a number. I think... but I'm with Jason whole heartedly on this one. You know, for such a brutal person, Jason has a real big heart. Or in This he does. I wish Freddy knew how to accept love and care. How did Michael, the gorgeous idiot, pull all that space knowledge out? I expected something a bit more dramitc than may I have a hug. But it was still awsome. I didn't think it was possible to hate tacos...The way Ghost face described Michael in the Winnebago was perfect. Last flowerchild you are a writing inspiration.
7/16/2019 c44 Guest
Ok I always root for the killer. Screw the hero! ROCK ON CRAZY SLASHERZ!
7/15/2019 c44 Guest
I do like Kruger, I'm sorry you don't like him, but he did look better burned than well not burned. I've never seen what Kruger is actually like. Does he swear that much?
Voorhees is awesome too, but very brutal. Watching the world fall apart around and watching it is just lazy. But he needs a break from everything.
Ghostface needs to take a break from his Phone, Michael, and drugs. But why did you have to go there with the food?WHY?!
I decided to try the shampoo. Never using any other shampoo again. Myers, thank you for this great gift! And it is sad how much he hates.
7/15/2019 c43 Guest
2 by 4 is 0.5. The Fred got made when he called Ghostface uh, you know what, Freddy was all possessive and said he's my- you know what. Freddy and Jason are seemingly smarter than the o th er 2 when it comes to education. That proves how dumb Ghostface is! Jase didn't even go to school. Freddy need to watch what he says about Myers when Bridger is around. Don't hurt innocent animals! They finally agree on stuff without killing each other in the process.
7/15/2019 c42 Guest
The way he uses one of his remaining brain cells! Priceless. Why would Johnson Voorhees get in trouble for growning that stuff? Ok I know why, but it's not like anyone could do anything about it. I dislike the way hippies speak. Getting drunk will not fix anything!
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