Just In
for My pet Alien is Addicted to World of Warcraft

3/7/2013 c8 1DemDemBear9
Wats gonna happen!?
9/18/2012 c8 T3CHN0 C4T
Okay, so I have found minor grammar mistakes, but I have to say that this is great and it's a shame not many have read it.

Even though it hasn't been updated in forever, I'll still be checking back every now and then for the next chapter :3

-Techno Cat

(lol for some reason im now like, addicted to AkuZeku Zemyx where axel is a total bitch and abuses zexion or whatevers and then demyx comes in and zexy falls in lurve with him)
11/20/2011 c8 organization XIII chronicles
11/7/2011 c8 6Darkness-That-Carries
1/24/2010 c8 7kailiff
Hey, guess what? I finally read this chapter. 8'D

This filled me with lulz.

CRISS-CROSS-APPLE-SAUCE OMG I remember that from Kindergarden. x'D Yes3

Not much else to say. Good chapter, though. WRITE THE NEXT ONE.
1/1/2010 c8 2333WaterBaby333
Chapter of Mystery! Need... More... Zemyx! *collaspes*
12/1/2009 c8 2PencilsLovePaper
What is there to not like? Honestly, my friend, you've already managed to include WoW, Brownies, Batman, Zemyx, Axel being a jerk, Baltheir, and cookies, for gods sake! It's does not get any better than that!

(Unless you add the cake is a lie, of course XD)
10/9/2009 c7 PencilsLovePaper
They make online translators, silly! Anyway, I have a spanish book, and my nerdy internet skills, along with the best fucking librarian ever, and I really want the next chapter, so if you haven't found someone to do it, I'd be glad to help!
9/27/2009 c7 7kailiff

*goes on to read the next one*
9/25/2009 c8 1Akarui Siren
I like you

No wait I don't like you!

I mean I like you not that I don't like you!

Oh wait it's I don't like you but I still like you but by means I don't like you!

AH... Whatever~!

I just don't hate you! xP
9/25/2009 c8 23animearlinefreak
Aww this is such a cute chapter and I can't wait to see the next one!
9/25/2009 c8 Symphonicality
I don't get nosebleeds. They don't make any sense.

I like how Demyx stole Zexion away, but I didn't like how you didn't go all like 'MEANWHILE AXEL WAS LIKE 'HOLY FUCK WHERE'S THE BABY'.

9/24/2009 c8 Finnegan G. Drake
Por qué no español? Eh, cualquier, yo no cuido.

Anyways, I loved this chapter! 'Twas funny! Funny indeed! Never would have occurred to me to think of Axel as mexicano. Good touch.
9/24/2009 c8 Madix
great work, keep it up. cant wait to see zexy's verdict *anticipates*
9/19/2009 c7 Symphonicality
I can help.
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