Just In
for Left 4 Dead No Mercy

11/14/2013 c1 Lionheart
I find it strange that I found your story a few minutes after I got done playing the Left 4 Dead 'No Mercy' map lol
10/29/2013 c7 40HellsVixen AKA Dark
I love this fan fic _
5/14/2010 c2 king kortex
good story bad grammar i suggest a rewrite
12/4/2009 c1 6YozoraVal
9/19/2009 c3 1killer-fox99
damn naruto keep up with the storys and i love left 4 dead
7/31/2009 c7 Godschildtweety
i love it
7/25/2009 c7 17Kage Bijuu
Momo-chan this is most epic finish of any story that all I got to say. Also Momo-chan Chapter 12 of my story is up I think I send a PM message to you but I don't know. And Hinata is pregenat that good and Naruto Alive yeah and Kiba a half Jamerican sorry if I spell that one wrong but anyway awesome. Sasuke really don't know what to say about him.
7/25/2009 c6 Kage Bijuu
This is very Epic chapter and can't believe Hinata did that to a witch.
7/22/2009 c5 Kage Bijuu
This is a very Epic chapter and pretty funny at the sametime with that Sakura is a witch.
7/13/2009 c4 Godschildtweety
i love it
7/11/2009 c3 10OrangeBackpack
Left 4 LOL!hahaha

you should of totally made very Witch be Sakura because they are the same.
7/10/2009 c1 oddity
"god help me",...

no. good story
7/10/2009 c4 17Kage Bijuu
This is a very spook story and Kiba is magnet to those Witchs is he.
6/26/2009 c3 Godschildtweety
i love it
6/25/2009 c3 Kage Bijuu
This is starting to get real good.
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