Just In
for Prototype

6/25/2016 c2 ethan.lukkar
Magnificent chapter can't wait for more please update soon.
11/4/2010 c1 kyuubinovelli
since there is no fox(so far at least) there should be no cries of DEMON or other such nonsense no mobs, no beatings.

1/5/2010 c2 6Lucem Yoru
Nice, I'm a little confused about the time-line, but that is all. A good fic :)
9/14/2009 c2 Malix2
Sigh, two months since an update, only 2 chapters, and we still don't really know what abilities naruto has besides empathy. Bummer.
8/27/2009 c2 1naruto kyuubi kage
D: LoL Naruto Yamanaka! this is gonna be good!

btw you alerted my story so i came to check you out
7/24/2009 c2 2THE HEE-HO KING
Neat story ya got here keep it up

7/24/2009 c2 Gravity The Wizard
Wonderful Update! I am glad Naruto is help Hinata-chan maybe he will be rewarded in the future.
7/24/2009 c2 12Paladin Graith
Ah, don't worry about grey hair since I find that the earlier one's hair greys, the wiser the person is compared to others their age.
7/24/2009 c1 3EagleSpiritsWisdom
When I saw the title I thought it was the game, IT's awesome, but I anyway I hope I will enjoy this story, ja ne
7/24/2009 c2 17Kage Bijuu
This is defintely going to be a ery Epic story that I know and pretty funny with your Booze HOund and Hench men show it almost Like my M-rated NaruHina story Naruto:Terror of the Einst Hinata Hour segment block which if you ever have the time try reading and reviewing it but if only you like Horror/Romance/Humor and a little Scifi.
7/1/2009 c1 14Soulblazer87
Not much to begin with, but mostly in the details department. Then again it IS the first chapter so what can you expect. You might want ot signify this as AU though. Just so people are warned.
6/22/2009 c1 17Kage Bijuu
This is a story that a has lot of twist. It going to be a Epic NaruHIna story.
6/22/2009 c1 P5yCH0
Looks like it have legs and arms. Can't wait for next chapters - if only to see if it still will have legs and arms.

Nice idea about not using Hiashi as Naruto's father.

Is it accident that your story is called the same as one quite new video game?
6/22/2009 c1 mc117s
Nice start love the nanites cant wait to read moe

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