Just In
for Fearless

2/18/2010 c9 Venetiangrl92
love it!
7/17/2009 c2 17Asher Knight
I loved it! Awesome chapter.

Caleb and Rachel are so cute

together. Great job. I've been

waiting for an update. Update

soon please.


Kris Knight
7/6/2009 c4 2Rei.Rein
hahaha very cute ^.^

Keep up the writing!

7/3/2009 c3 3AngelOfTheSouthWest
Oh oh! She's in trouble. Can't wait to see how Caleb reacts. Aww, Caleb as a daddy, that's got to be cute :) This is good, keep going.

Steff x
7/2/2009 c1 17Asher Knight
Oh. My. Damn. I

loved it. It was so

cute. You seriously

need to consider making

this a long piece. You've

got my hooked already.

Great Job. Can't wait

for you to update.


6/29/2009 c2 2Rei.Rein
Haha, you didn't have to continue writing the story if you didn't want to.

It's just real interesting.

I'm flattered, thank you.

6/25/2009 c1 Rei.Rein
aw that's so sweet! haha you used my name whether or not it was on purpose I don't know but I still feel loved :D

and you spelt it right too!

I like seeing a different sort of Caleb too, not too serious and not too different.

And you're writing again!

I'm happy that you are again.

6/25/2009 c1 3AngelOfTheSouthWest
Aw, this is cute. Would like to see more of your character and this relationship.

Steff x

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