Just In
for Maybe Tomorrow I Won't Love You Anymore

4/27/2011 c6 Animangeek9
Poor Naru-chan! Itachi dont let James get in the way! ItaNaru 4ever!
4/23/2011 c6 Shadow Kitsune67
lol. When I read lightning shaped scar. . .I'm like. .Harry Potter? XD Harry had green eyes too, and isn't James the name of his father? idk :P That's who I think the James in your fic resembles XD.
4/5/2011 c6 189Neko Hoshi Hime Okami
im loving it and i dont know who james is resembling. please update.
4/5/2011 c6 UchihaMiyoki
I hope that they kiss and Itachi walks up and makes the stop by throwing a fit. Then, him and Naruto get back together. Are you going to use this idea?
1/9/2011 c5 Neko Hoshi Hime Okami
please dont tell me this is overwith! its just getting good. poor naruto *hugs him* im not sure bout itachi since he caused the dramatic mess. please update
1/13/2010 c4 sparkling red
hi...great story...i cried!

update soon ok...
12/8/2009 c4 1Shi-Toyu
Aw! It's so sad! *sniffle* But I loved it too! I can't wait fo rthe next chapter! Itachi had better come back to Naruto soon! I want to slap him so hard right now! Gah!

-Shi Toyu
11/26/2009 c3 yaoikitty89
i really like your story :)
11/19/2009 c2 75Shirahane Aikawa
aah...i get it this is a shounen Ai right coz u call Naruto a 'HE'..oh well this good... XD

*NO WORRIES FOR THE FIRST Glance when i read the prologue i thought its femaleNaruto but i proved wrong at the 1st chappy... ah to answer ur question yeah i reek it from Katorse's plot line but only the first season coz fourteeb second season is from my own creative mind...hehehe... LOL

I am a filipina but i live here in sydney..
11/18/2009 c3 bluecrystal angel
Love ur story it flows really well! Are u continuin it?
10/3/2009 c3 EvilPopcorn
Ohh, I can't wait too see who approached Naruto. Please, you have to update soon! It's so interesting! So is Naruto and the rest of the group the popular people or something? Anyway hope to hear from you soon!
9/28/2009 c3 62saunatonttu
O, I love it so far! :3

Poor Naru :(

You write well, but I'm disturbed, how you at some point write Naru's thoughts in italic and then add something that he's not thinking also in italic.

Not trying to be mean, I was just disturbed Dx

But, I like it and can't wait the next chappie! xD
7/24/2009 c2 6alexa-catta123
Wow... deep:D Great job please continue
7/1/2009 c2 Zero1
Poor Naru ... hope you get Itachi green with jealousy for seeing how much more "beautiful" Naruto is and what a dumb ass he is for letting him go (like a hot blooded male who can up the "Alpha" notch to the highest level claiming his all so cute Naruto ... that will knock him down a peg or two).

Can't wait to see how it progresses. Good luck.
6/30/2009 c2 DreamsCanBeReality
I resent the fact that Deidara was called a drag queen, because he's one of my faves XD

But all-in-all this was good; just like the first chapter


Ill be waiting for the third chapter; update soon!

(Poor Naru-tan!)


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