Just In
for The Ties That Don't Break

3/17/2010 c10 wandamarie
10/16/2009 c9 89minerva's-kitten
I'm glad it worked out rather well. This is love and wonderful!
8/12/2009 c8 minerva's-kitten
Nice chapter. Amy's pregnant! Oh dear I feel sorry for the goat that did it. Aberforth doesn't seemed to pleased. XD
8/12/2009 c8 dhdeleted
Another interesting chapter! Poor Benny - it must be awful being a squib! And I hope that everything is all right when Bartholomew and Bathilda visit!
7/29/2009 c7 minerva's-kitten
I like these kids they're great! Good chapter!
7/29/2009 c7 dhdeleted
Excellent chapter, as always! I'm really looking forward to what I shall henceforth refer to as the "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" chapter LOL!
7/28/2009 c6 dhdeleted
Excellent chapter, as always! I'm really looking forward to the next one!
7/27/2009 c6 wandamarie
thank you hope you can up date soon thanks
7/20/2009 c5 minerva's-kitten
He's going to grovel isn't he? I bet he will. XD

Good chapter. I love Min the most of course though.
7/20/2009 c5 dhdeleted
Fantastic chapter, as always - I wonder what Bartholomew wrote to Minerva?
7/20/2009 c5 wandamarie
thank you it was a good chapter thanks
7/9/2009 c4 minerva's-kitten
He'll say yes of course.

Poor Jacob torturing himself like that. (sigh) Things are never easy. Why do we delight in torturing these poor characters we write and invent? XD
7/9/2009 c4 dhdeleted
I NOTICED THAT ROSE'S LAST NAME WAS THE SAME! Actually, you know what's really freaky? I just was talking about that book today LOL!

Great chapter, as always. I feel so bad for both Alice and Duke, but especially Alice. I hope you update soon!
7/6/2009 c3 minerva's-kitten
Poor Alice. So sad and all.

But good thoughts. More please!
7/6/2009 c3 dhdeleted
FANTASTIC chapter, as per usual! My favourite parts were definitely the dream, which you described so well; and Minerva's thoughts at the end. I can't wait until the next update!
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