Just In
for What The Cat Dragged In

5/21/2019 c21 MiaG06
The amount of pain I felt in this chapter was unbelievable , I truly thank you for your beautiful writing
4/29/2019 c32 Guest
Had to reread again... miss your writing!
4/25/2019 c17 39Heywood Kid
And we know what Kelly finally remembered. The POV switches were a bit awkward without something breaking them up. Not sure if you knew that already, but figured I'd let you know for future reference. Also, didn't realize you listened to Metallica.
4/24/2019 c16 Heywood Kid
So I read another chapter, happy? So so, that's what Conlon does...I see now why you kept this to yourself for 16 bloody chapters. Gross, but useful. Also, did Conlon rape her?
4/24/2019 c15 Heywood Kid
Still hasn't been answered. But I do like how you show more of Kelly's relationship with her grandmother. Also, Joe's explanation of the way Creed views people is spot on.
4/22/2019 c14 Heywood Kid
So Stan has some secrets, obviously. But what was so important that Creed had to leave?
4/22/2019 c13 Heywood Kid
So I did it, I read this chapter. And I have to say I'm loving the description in it just as much as the previous ones. The hotel especially. Also, I meant to mention this earlier, but I loved your use of the Village Knitiot. Again, a few spelling/grammatical errors, but it didn't make it unreadable.
4/20/2019 c12 Heywood Kid
You know the story is good when I binge read it, lol. I would ask why Creed would tell her grandfather they've been having sex, but it is Victor Creed we're talking about. Sorry my reviews aren't more detail oriented, I'm just very, very, very much enjoying this story right now.
4/20/2019 c11 Heywood Kid
Okay, you've established Conlon is a Mutant, but what are his abilities? If he needs a gun and Kelly punching him gives him a black eye, kind of makes me wonder.
Also, why would Creed encourage her to call her mother? She doesn't seem particularly interested in connecting with anyone besides her paternal grandparents and Cody.
4/20/2019 c10 Heywood Kid
Ooooh, so many questions! Also, I feel like it's not time for Wolverine to appear yet. I feel like we need more time learning about some things. For instance 1) How does Victor Creed know Conlon? and 2) How does Creed know Kelly's paternal grandfather?
4/20/2019 c9 Heywood Kid
So Kelly doesn't have scars? But then how is it she gets cut and bruised? Is this your way of showing us Kelly isn't entirely human? That would be extremely ironic.
4/20/2019 c8 Heywood Kid
So Stan's now become the leader of youth outreach for the CoH, huh? And of course, he's not particularly smart, but he is cunning. Which means Kelly and Victor will have to be extra careful when dealing with Cody and the rest of Kelly's family.
4/19/2019 c7 Heywood Kid
As with Kelly, I like how you sprinkle in bits of Victor's backstory. Again with previous chapters there were some spelling/grammar errors, but it didn't make it unreadable.
4/19/2019 c6 Heywood Kid
Lol, interesting Creed would read The Time Machine. Either way, still a nice nod (20,000 Leagues Under the Sea has two parts?!).
4/19/2019 c5 Heywood Kid
Once again, you've outdone yourself! Because of course Creed would go after Embry. As I've said before, you do creepy well but you took this to a whole other level. Still debating whether or not this was to the same level as your "other" story or not. I also like how you don't give us Kelly's background all at once. See you next chapter!
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