Just In
for Galactik Football Season 3

11/29/2022 c6 Stephy Hmpf
I know it's a long shot cus it's been over 10 years, but any chance of this being continued? I love Ahito and there are almost no stories about him and I would love to see this story getting continued and maybe even finished if you feel like it I love your writing style
2/11/2012 c6 Demon-Impostor
can you please update soon I love your story
10/17/2010 c6 36MissDHope
Loved the chapter ! Don't blame me for being funniness!It's how i live!

I loved the chapter and it's good to see you're still writing this . The whole shopping part made me LOL so badly ,so yeah i laughed its good.

Looking forward to more chapters soon and i do mean soon gap year !
6/1/2010 c4 Anonymous
This is true!
4/7/2010 c1 eva
"oh shit" said Ahito Thats were i know this is a lie!
8/10/2009 c5 MissDHope
wow great chapter as usual ,well worth the wait and i hope for more soon cause I really like this story !


7/22/2009 c4 MissDHope
an amazing chapter as always ,well worth the wait

and the picture on deviant art of the Fiera is really awesome

cool more soon please :)
7/12/2009 c3 MissDHope
oh wow the new team youve created sounds cool as ..

i love this story so far

more soon
7/11/2009 c2 MissDHope

its so cool ,description was amazing and i like so much

hope the trip went well

more soon
7/6/2009 c1 Ahitofan10
Oh Its AHITO I love him so much this is so good so far there better be more soon please i'll love you forever if there is

sh Ahito is sleeping

7/6/2009 c1 AvrilLavigne fan 1
wow and i mean wow

you describe everything so well your english is great (better than mine and i am english well Scottish but still)

its amazing plaz go on

7/6/2009 c1 reflection of the truth
omg this is so good you have to go on

i love the idea of twin telepathy it sounds cool

omg you have to go on

catch ya on the flip side!
7/5/2009 c1 3Aasura-chan

I told you, I love how you write! ^^

C ya! ^^
7/3/2009 c1 36MissDHope
wow this is great so far please update soon

welocme to my favourites

i love it so far

more soon

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