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for Gone To Sweet as Fire

9/26/2018 c3 Guest
You have to right more now
7/16/2018 c3 Guest
Good god... your stories just suck ass
8/10/2010 c3 8Der Adler des Mondes
Ι demand an epilogue! Why the cruel cliff hanger? I like this story too much for it to end there _
9/1/2009 c3 8Zasztra
:´( Wesker, how could you "sob" Oh well! Better luck next time Redfield. Hey, great story, I really wish to see more.
8/21/2009 c3 2Prisonerksc2-303
What? Claire! She died! *cries* Why Wesker? How sad, I didn't see that coming. And it makes it even more sad because all her memories came back to her :(. Chris is going to KILL Wesker IF he can catch him. Oh and in the last chapter when you mentioned how annoying Excella was to Wesker, it had me laughing! *Pokes you with a pitchfork that is on fire* There XD! Will that do for an epilogue? I DEMAND one XD! Please? How about a picture of Wesker in nothing but his undies? Or how about one with his STARS uniform on? Rawr! No matter what he wears or doesn't wear, he is gorgeous. Period! Anyway, I loved the story! It was AWESOME! Keep up the fantastic work! *cough-epilogue-cough* XD
8/21/2009 c2 Prisonerksc2-303
Wesker's right! Claire is kicking arse XD! What in the 'world of Resident Evil' did Albert do to Claire? Not only did the injections change her appearance but it changed her whole...attitude. And what is this 'special night' that Claire and Leon shared? I can only imagine XD. Weird how she got a flashback of that moment just by Leon holding her. This is awesome so far and I'm loving it! Oh no! Claire is going to...shoot...Chris? I noticed you like to leave the end of the chapters with cliffy's lol. Good thing there is already another chapter so I can find out what Claire will do hehehe...
8/21/2009 c1 Prisonerksc2-303
It was actually your summary that caught my eye lol! Really good start and mighty interesting if I may add. Hm. Looks like Wesker's done it again, he's gotten under Chris' skin for the millionth time XD. Oh Wesker always has some type of trick up his sleeve mwuahaha! Poor Claire, theres no telling what Albert will do to her but now that Chris mentions something along the lines of 'turning her into an experiment'...yeah, that wouldn't be too good. I love the concept of your story. I'm off to read more =).
8/13/2009 c3 41Rainfox88
NO! You can't end it like that! It's illegal! Lol, wow this was awesome! I'm sad now!
8/3/2009 c3 3RisingGundam2006
No! Don't let Claire die! I really do like this story!
8/3/2009 c3 2heavensB'tch
really good story. but im dieing to find out weither or not that claire kicked the bucket.
8/2/2009 c3 10Stardust4
nice end! and I want those pics! hehehehehe LoL
8/2/2009 c3 1whoopism15
This was such a great story and please make an epilogue! Once again great story :)
8/2/2009 c3 40Hobohunter
Make an EPILOGUE! PLEASE! T-T If I could draw realistic, I'd draw you Wesker! (How about that? XD) Or maybe I can share some of my favorite pics of Wesker? 8D I have a collection~

I loved the chapter, not too much action either. Sometimes people can go overboard with it. (Just like capcom! XD)

Please make Claire live! I hate reading death stories, they make me so sad! :(

Update if you please!
7/28/2009 c1 6Chaos0283
Man, i can't believe Claire has been kidnapped! =O

Leon better get out there and find her! Or w/e is going to!
7/23/2009 c2 40Hobohunter
No no no no no! NO! Not brainwashing Claire having her say I love you to Wesker right on front of Leon! (Oh yea, Chris too) BUT LEON!

And then the part about him holding her in his arms after they shared a special night T-T

You break my heart! :'(

Please update soon! I need to know what happens! D:
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