Just In
for Jake's Sunset

10/24/2011 c1 1Mrs-Lahote-Black
YEAH Jacob imprints on a PUNK CHICK-too GOOD/CUTE!
9/12/2009 c1 4iKissedJBcho1
again, cutte! i like jesse, she kicks arse lol (and bee tee dub, i love ur disclaimer. it'd be the same for me :D)
7/26/2009 c1 6spazy naruto
just read ur 3 one shots! very good=) haha bella got dumped w00t! o ya this is monica btw haha ^_^' (the one at the fireworks not the one in ur scool)
7/21/2009 c1 6Nesia
aw... that was too cute! i loved it!
7/15/2009 c1 NikkiWolfLove09
Good job!
7/11/2009 c1 Obversa
Decent writing, had a few errors, but otherwise good. I'm guessing this is an AU since Jacob imprints on Jesse, and not Nessie?

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