11/15/2013 c4 mj
Update soon
Update soon
9/23/2013 c1 overninethousand
hi there;
sesshomaruandrinfaq . blogspot . com
sesshomaruandkagurafaq . blogspot . com
hi there;
sesshomaruandrinfaq . blogspot . com
sesshomaruandkagurafaq . blogspot . com
11/29/2011 c4 Isis SunCloud
4/1/2010 c4 Ni-Ni chan330
LOL InuYasha always states the obvious. I love your your story keep writing I'm expecting a update real soon so keep on wrting. Ni-Ni chan OUT!
LOL InuYasha always states the obvious. I love your your story keep writing I'm expecting a update real soon so keep on wrting. Ni-Ni chan OUT!
3/20/2010 c4 lovet2002
ah this is good. Sesshomaru actually acting funny, unlike his usual stoic self. Can't wait for more update. Thanks for sharing
ah this is good. Sesshomaru actually acting funny, unlike his usual stoic self. Can't wait for more update. Thanks for sharing
1/6/2010 c4 DNAstar
With shippo and kagome in this story as they are it remind's me of the movie striptease anyway great story really looking forward to the next chapter
With shippo and kagome in this story as they are it remind's me of the movie striptease anyway great story really looking forward to the next chapter
11/3/2009 c4
i love ur story!
its interesting with all of the special marking on rin and her powers :D
its mysterios and interesting :) great job!
its so awesome that u updated i was starting to think that u forgot about the story!
well until next time!
and thanx once again ill try to update asap!
update soon please!
((d-_-b)) bye! 3

i love ur story!
its interesting with all of the special marking on rin and her powers :D
its mysterios and interesting :) great job!
its so awesome that u updated i was starting to think that u forgot about the story!
well until next time!
and thanx once again ill try to update asap!
update soon please!
((d-_-b)) bye! 3
11/2/2009 c2 Taraah36
ok since i already reviewed chapter 4 before imma use this chapter as my chapter 4 review..you must update soon i would love to know what happens with sessh and rin ..i really hope he does not get married to kagura at ALL ..imma sucker for happy endings so i hope it will be one lol..oh ad by the way when you were talking about Ayame laying on the bed you used the word "obviously" i believe you mean "oblivious" so if u go back to fix it just switch some letters around lol..and im glad you didn't take my previous review the wrong way because i totally meant no harm..i like writers like that ..and know that i will help if i can but my main point of this review is to simply say ...UPDATE SOON!
ok since i already reviewed chapter 4 before imma use this chapter as my chapter 4 review..you must update soon i would love to know what happens with sessh and rin ..i really hope he does not get married to kagura at ALL ..imma sucker for happy endings so i hope it will be one lol..oh ad by the way when you were talking about Ayame laying on the bed you used the word "obviously" i believe you mean "oblivious" so if u go back to fix it just switch some letters around lol..and im glad you didn't take my previous review the wrong way because i totally meant no harm..i like writers like that ..and know that i will help if i can but my main point of this review is to simply say ...UPDATE SOON!
11/2/2009 c4 I.am.the.wind.mizuki cullen
yay! a new chapter.
i was sick too, ugh, i missed fanfiction for a whole week! XD
I already like demonprincess rin story, it is good, lol
i cant wait for another chapter!
yay! a new chapter.
i was sick too, ugh, i missed fanfiction for a whole week! XD
I already like demonprincess rin story, it is good, lol
i cant wait for another chapter!
11/2/2009 c4
4The Lifeless girl
i think your computer hates you, or fanfiction, its posting the same chapters...and i was so excided for a new one : (

i think your computer hates you, or fanfiction, its posting the same chapters...and i was so excided for a new one : (
11/2/2009 c4 Taraah36
yes this is frustrating the same chapter once again..i sincerely hope u get that fixed because this story is really good
yes this is frustrating the same chapter once again..i sincerely hope u get that fixed because this story is really good