Just In
for What Happens At Charlie's Wedding

7/19/2024 c13 iAnoved
Reread here . I didnt realise how annoying Bella was before but Edward ? Forgot how funny he was , boy’s a trip !
6/11/2023 c20 Guest
This story sucks, you should let people this story is not exb
11/25/2022 c12 2That'sMzPeachesTYVM
I’m still trying to figure out why she doesn’t just tell him her ‘it’s complicated’ relationship is with Carlisle. Her behavior COULD appear to be a way of stringing him along. Playing hard to get. If his kiss was ‘gentle,’ then he didn’t ‘shove’ his tongue in her mouth. She is playing coy. If she really doesn’t want to kiss him, then she should slap the shit out of him, and go stay at the hotel, herself. There are options beyond passive-aggressive, bullshit words.
11/25/2022 c10 That'sMzPeachesTYVM
I am HORRIFIED that Alice genuinely thinks it wouldn’t be wrong for Bella to do ANYTHING with Edward after being with his FATHER! That is a soulless world view!
2/27/2022 c4 3louanne61
I don't know how much more of this I can read. I found it as a recommendation and I thought it was a Bella and Edward story.
2/27/2022 c3 louanne61
It seems wrong having Carlisle. and Bella in that kind of position.
11/20/2021 c10 Eriklylla
Not gonna lie, I think your Alice is kind of annoying. She's too nosy and pushy for my taste. Way too up in Bella's bizz if you know what I mean. Also, she's not being very caring to Bella's feelings, even though she claims to be her best friend.
11/9/2021 c19 Tiredmomma777
I loved this story! Thanks for sharing your writing talent with us!
6/14/2021 c2 2flyfree1031
Oh my gosh this is too much (in a good way)
1/20/2021 c19 1Writeyourownsir
Loved this! Thank you for the satisfying HEA. Such a fun, light hearted ride!
1/17/2021 c13 Writeyourownsir
Girl, First of all, this has been holding my attention for days. What a fun romp! I appreciate the steamy sex scenes so much in their plentiful ness! I really was pulling for Edward to find out he was adopted and then have a three way with his not-dad but I may be filthy minority on that one lol also I love to picture Carlisle as a sexy bachelor. You paint a fun vision!
1/6/2021 c19 VampyNails
The flashbacks in this chapter.. *happy sigh* they were so, so good. I absolutely loved this beautiful story.
12/13/2020 c19 sallyVH9
Wow, what a hot, fun ride! I didn't want to stop reading! Every spare second I could, I had my phone out, and I was scrolling. Carlisle and Bella are sooooo hot! And the layer of snarky Edward was perfect! I love all the different combinations of the canon characters. Esme and Charlie make sooooo much sense! And I adored all your author notes! As someone who loves to write…I so understand how the characters can bug you till you do what they want lol. I really enjoyed the POV chapter with Edward. It really helped me to fully understand his journey and what he felt. I really enjoyed this story. Only one silly issue I had was how fast Carlisle and Bella jumped into bed at the end after months of not talking and everything. I would have liked them just kissing maybe and then the next morning something happening. That sex scene was STILL HOT! lol Still very hot lol. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this and letting us enjoy reading it :)
10/11/2020 c19 Schwips
Thank you for this great story, I really enjoy it. Take care
9/22/2020 c20 13Elle Whitecap
I never knew I was a Bella Carlisle fan until this story
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