Just In
for Dumbles gets caught

7/20/2009 c1 38Innortal
Very interesting start.
7/19/2009 c1 44dennisud
One word, Satisfaction!
7/19/2009 c1 riegert8
I think that this is a good story, I do admit I get fed up that Dumbledore get away with action toward Harry. There are some story's that Dumbledore die before his action are found out, or that Dumbledore answered for it.

I do think that Dumbledore got off easy, I would like to seen the whole wizard world seen what kind of a person that Dumbledore is. I think that Dumbledore would face an few more charges like Ignoring the Potters will and Kidnapping Harry from his true Guardian, but it great that someone write a story that Dumbledore have to pay for his crimes
7/19/2009 c1 SomeGuyFawkes
Satisfying tale despite the plentiful handwavium.
7/19/2009 c1 10Wonderbee31
Nice section here, and interesting to see how things would have went well with a Harry who's being treated better than the canon one. Should be fun to maybe see this in a full on story one day.
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