Just In
for Dumbles gets caught

7/5/2022 c1 40Concolor44
And that is as it should have been.
6/18/2022 c1 noylj
Albie gets his.
5/25/2022 c1 FriendlyFire59
It would have been awesome if this had happened.
5/15/2022 c1 SherlockWholmes
I love it when Dumbles has to pay for his crimes! Kudos!
4/21/2022 c1 yochan123
love it! yes i hated that he was never caught for all the horrible things he did
3/27/2022 c1 8Marj123
1/12/2022 c1 csheila
12/2/2021 c1 Gina
Sure it was AU but it was very satisfying.
7/23/2021 c1 Gina
This was excellent! I LOVE that the lemon candy lover finally gets what he deserves.

And once again, MORE comes to mind.
7/23/2021 c1 10RevDorothyL
Very satisfying! :)
4/1/2021 c1 gginsc
I like it! A rescued Harry is always a story I love.
3/21/2021 c1 HoneyBear84
love it
2/22/2021 c1 1themadmartian
Wow, ok, it's finally good to see ol Whiskers get his comeuppance.
11/27/2020 c1 sparky40sw
such a wonderful and necessary story
thank you
11/12/2020 c1 Guest
I like Dumb-as-a-dirk getting his rear end handed to him!
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