Just In
for Dumbles gets caught

10/1/2020 c1 25stevem1
I like this. Usually Dumbledore gets off with a stern talking to or has a heart attack before facing justice.
9/23/2020 c1 mumphie
"...caused Mr. Potter's
what? abuse?
I wish this stray thought had been fleshed out more. It's quite good.
9/8/2020 c1 odonnellzoo99
Couldn't have happened to a more deserving Headmaster.
5/25/2020 c1 8gabzep
The punishment was so fitting!
12/2/2019 c1 Bronze
Normally I don't post a review to stories older than five to six years. However, I feel that I very much want to tell you how I feel about this one. It's about time Fumblemort the great deceiver got what's coming to him! In most stories either they can't touch him because of his political power or because he has too much dirt on the entire Wwizengamott. Thus he walks away scotfree. That or he gets a slap on the wrist, told he's been a bad boy and not to do it again. But of course, he does. So I'm all for reading him get what's coming to him. It's long overdue.
12/4/2019 c1 Pixie8859
Excellent one shot!
10/8/2019 c1 Guest
Thank you for writing this. I think it needed to be shown in stark reality what Dumbledore did and condoned. For once he is not allowed to wriggle out of it and is punished harshly. When you get mad at all the harry bashing stories I recommend you read 'The Birth of Evil' by disobedienceWriter. It's a wonderful antidote. Now i'm off to read all your other stories. Thanks again for sharing this one.
9/4/2019 c1 24VashonBeader
And one good story leads to another. Thanks
8/28/2019 c1 Corwyn
Thanks for sharing this with us. I liked it.
7/30/2019 c1 Phantomslap
Great little fic. Would Have loved a second chapter, but it stands well enough alone.
7/11/2019 c1 Millie072
Maybe totally AU, but very satisfying.
7/10/2019 c1 fantasyinmymind
Ooohhh this would be so cool to expand on the Stone family and this story too.
5/19/2019 c1 32Jake Crepeau
Totally AU...and I like it!
5/3/2019 c1 Guest
*serene smile* Can I just say that I love when "Albus gets his" (due)? Great little story! Now, I wanna know more about this Stone family, why dear ol' Albus didn't know them, how they're going to legally adopt then raise Harry, and what they're going to do about Tom...
7/16/2018 c1 suziq968
Yup, totally AU, but great anyway.
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