Just In
for Of Gills and Butterflies

7/26/2016 c1 Guest
Ok those last six sentences were perfect!
10/18/2013 c1 g.m. weasley
that's cute I esp. enjoyed the end
2/10/2010 c1 3Marauderette96
i really liked this, well done, it was very sweet!
12/4/2009 c1 15tasha27
This was absolutely ADORABLE and i cant believe you have only 7 reviews! this deserves way more than that!

I love the last bit about the restricted section..actually i love it all!

keep up the excellent work!
10/24/2009 c1 chubbypotato
cute story
8/5/2009 c1 63Trinity Day
This is a very lovely Lily/James story. I really like that they were able to have a decent conversation (without casting curses or yelling), even before they were in a relationship.
7/30/2009 c1 2JoneyHaleMalfoy
James is so cheeky! OMG I love him...not him but his know what i mean! Nice i loved it!
7/23/2009 c1 ann
it was very good! i liked it!

the last part was THE best part! jajjajaj
7/23/2009 c1 1Plug-in-Frog
"Cover your bits" LOL! Hehe, that was quite an amusing read and ah topless James, besides topless Sirius, its ever girls dream :P

Thanks for posting =)
7/22/2009 c1 71CharlesTheBold
An amusing suggestion of how Lily and James might have gotten together and changed wizard history. It proves that great minds think alike, whether they're looking for spells in the Restricted Section or deciding when to take a bath.
7/21/2009 c1 65Deadly Poppy
Haha, funny. I liked it! I like the end, where he says, "Because that told me you've also read the books in the restricted section." Funnyness!

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