Just In
for I Nearly Lost You

11/6/2021 c18 penny.robinette.90
I just found this story and I really LOVE it. I really hope that you will continue with it soon or write an sequel, can't wait to read what happens next!
4/1/2020 c18 AgentKalGibbs
I like it :)
7/21/2015 c18 Bookworm1955
Found this again - and re-read it again (three times in all), still waiting for the next part - PLEASE.
1/25/2014 c18 alicewiggles
yeah I do love a good bad pete and that just a really stupid name pete
8/7/2013 c18 2LPeck
Damn cliff hanger! Just when it was getting really good as well! :-)
5/7/2011 c18 whhatamidoingwithmylife
I LOVED this story! Great job! It was amazing!
4/1/2011 c18 twilightluva786
i have loved reading this story plz do a sequel
3/16/2011 c13 6Chrystalie

I just love Janet and Daniel ... so good friends :)
3/16/2011 c9 Chrystalie
Chapter 9 : I just HATE Pete ...
4/4/2010 c18 2Isabella31996
Awesome story...will there and if so when will the sequel to it be up
3/8/2010 c18 3Sailor-Scout-of-Darkness
It was really good. They like coffee a lot don't they? lol
12/21/2009 c18 9quibilah
Ohh, please continue with this plot! I love it! Though you said here's a link, but there wasn't one, maybe fanfiction blocked it or something, I would love to see the dress though. Great job, and I hope you continue with this, is the companion Kinsey?
12/11/2009 c18 3Greysessed110390
Is there going to be a sequel to this story? I loved this one and would love it if you made anther one to go with it. Oh and what's the link for the dress? it's not on the page.
12/10/2009 c18 6Laura17
Oh wow that was a great story. You must give us a sequeal, I need to find out what Pete is going to do and who he is teaming up with.
12/8/2009 c18 6Hazmatt
Amazing chapter! I really enjoyed it! Absolutely perfect! Will there be a sequel? Beautiful chapter! Very sweet! I loved Daniel's proposal! Perfect!
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