Just In
for The Many Ways Of Love

10/2/2020 c19 6RachelBarbraBerry1994
This was a really great story. If only the book could have ended like this.
10/2/2020 c18 RachelBarbraBerry1994
This was a really amazing chapter.
10/2/2020 c17 RachelBarbraBerry1994
It really is amazing the journey of having babies and just seeing the journey the mother, and father, as well as the child in barck on.
10/1/2020 c16 RachelBarbraBerry1994
Yeah, at least we have a month and date for the wedding now.
10/1/2020 c15 RachelBarbraBerry1994
I wonder what Christy will be like when she get's, "put to bed"?
10/1/2020 c14 RachelBarbraBerry1994
I'm in the early stages of a relationship, and we haven't met in person as of yet. I can't wait for that to happen; if it will.
10/1/2020 c13 RachelBarbraBerry1994
I'd love to see what Christy's brother and Neil have up their sleaves!
10/1/2020 c12 RachelBarbraBerry1994
Daaaaaaaaaaamn! I want a guy like Neil!
10/1/2020 c11 RachelBarbraBerry1994
Noooooow we're gettin' somewhere!
10/1/2020 c10 RachelBarbraBerry1994
Love can also be a rollercoster too.
10/1/2020 c9 RachelBarbraBerry1994
I can't remember Bird's Eye being given a first name in the book, and I don't think he was given one in the tv series either.
9/30/2020 c8 RachelBarbraBerry1994
Christy's rant was soooo epic! I loved it!
Love is most certainly a complicated thing.
No, scratch that, it's beyond complicated!
9/30/2020 c7 RachelBarbraBerry1994
Hmmm, he's worried about Christy's heart? Isn't he?
9/30/2020 c6 RachelBarbraBerry1994
I really liked this chapter. Don't worry, Christy and Neil will talk at some point.
9/30/2020 c5 RachelBarbraBerry1994
I love being in bed too. Maybe, a bit more than what is normal?
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