Just In
for All I Need

8/14/2009 c1 3jol27
oh its so good the 2 stories running along each other
8/13/2009 c1 DesertRose92
Great chapter! Please continue!
8/12/2009 c1 9Kassiah
So I get his reasoning now. Maybe they really liked each other in high school and she obvs never was with another guy. She didn't even like girls until she met Alice.

This was insightful, I really liked it :)
8/12/2009 c1 35mamasutra
Who can hate Edward? Come on? Great so far cannot wait for more!
8/6/2009 c1 10jkane180
Loved it! Hope there's more to EPOV!
8/4/2009 c1 RKinNY
Thanks for EPOV. I hope you continue with this story too.
8/3/2009 c1 4SarcasmicLoser
I Love both of the stories. i Can't wait for the update on either one =]
8/2/2009 c1 jklly12
I loved his pov I hope you continue love the story
8/2/2009 c1 sonyabrady1971
just found this and your other story...I love them both...I like getting into edward's head...because let's face it...we never know what the hell a man is thinking half the time anyway...
8/1/2009 c1 mveroherr
Wow how stupis of Edward to screw Tanya. How funny that she was lose. Lol. I cant wait for more.
8/1/2009 c1 snajs
Edward has sneaky plans but working accordingly XD
8/1/2009 c1 mom2kandg
I really loved it...I am looking forward to more of his POV...I want to know what was going on in his head after they slept together...No I am not mad at him for being with Tanya...the girl of his dreams and the one he is in love with is in a relationship and like he said "I am a man" and that is the way a man is, LOL!
8/1/2009 c1 afqtie324
Loved Edward's POV nice to know what he was thinking. More Please!
8/1/2009 c1 mahonm2
I didn't know that there was an Edward POV for this. I can't wait to read more and to read what he was thinking when they had sex. Love both of your stories. Can't wait to read more.
8/1/2009 c1 BlueDiamondRing
Once Bella has Edward she won't forget.
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