5/8/2018 c1
Omg, thank you so mich for this, it was so lovely. And I've noticed how rare it is to see a story with Snape and a student that isn't a pairing, so this is just a pure blessing. I don't know what it is about seeing this man in such a vulnerable and humbling state, but it's just amazing. And, you did a wonderful job with it. :D I'm late to the party, but hope this review is still seen. -

Omg, thank you so mich for this, it was so lovely. And I've noticed how rare it is to see a story with Snape and a student that isn't a pairing, so this is just a pure blessing. I don't know what it is about seeing this man in such a vulnerable and humbling state, but it's just amazing. And, you did a wonderful job with it. :D I'm late to the party, but hope this review is still seen. -
7/1/2015 c1 melodyssister
Such an in-character story! I love it, and today I recced it on the One Bad Man Livejournal community.
Such an in-character story! I love it, and today I recced it on the One Bad Man Livejournal community.
1/31/2015 c1
That all sounds quite likely and in character.
Btw, Hermione would dial 999, not 911, which is a US thing. And yes, 911 is more sensible, because 998 can be pressed by a cat standing on the phone.

That all sounds quite likely and in character.
Btw, Hermione would dial 999, not 911, which is a US thing. And yes, 911 is more sensible, because 998 can be pressed by a cat standing on the phone.
7/28/2011 c1
Buttons. I love Buttons. That's all I have to say. I love Buttons. No, really, I love the rest of it too. Thanks for the story. :)

Buttons. I love Buttons. That's all I have to say. I love Buttons. No, really, I love the rest of it too. Thanks for the story. :)
11/14/2010 c1
It does seem quite an unacceptable situation that underage wizards have such trouble contacting others in a World that can summon things across a room or instantly Apparate to another place. Especially those from Muggle households whose parents have even less ability to contact other wizards.
I have read another fic very much like this one, but you'll be happy to note that this was the better one. :D I liked that Hermione, despite her brilliance, was still floudering about what she should do for an ill man in his thirties at age 12. It is lucky that Errol came when he did... otherwise I suspect Harry might have become involved anyway (Hermione finally thinking about ringing at least him, the only other wizard she knew who had a phone) despite that being Snape's worst outcome... lol.
Great job - a fun little fic.

It does seem quite an unacceptable situation that underage wizards have such trouble contacting others in a World that can summon things across a room or instantly Apparate to another place. Especially those from Muggle households whose parents have even less ability to contact other wizards.
I have read another fic very much like this one, but you'll be happy to note that this was the better one. :D I liked that Hermione, despite her brilliance, was still floudering about what she should do for an ill man in his thirties at age 12. It is lucky that Errol came when he did... otherwise I suspect Harry might have become involved anyway (Hermione finally thinking about ringing at least him, the only other wizard she knew who had a phone) despite that being Snape's worst outcome... lol.
Great job - a fun little fic.
9/9/2010 c1
I really don't like the dream sequence, sorry Bella, I realized it had a purpose once I got through it, but I still thought it was weak.
I like that you've chosen a Severus and Hermione pairing, and kept it canon and not disturbing like some of the disgusting stuff out there. So it was a cool way to pair them, because they are a cool pairing.

I really don't like the dream sequence, sorry Bella, I realized it had a purpose once I got through it, but I still thought it was weak.
I like that you've chosen a Severus and Hermione pairing, and kept it canon and not disturbing like some of the disgusting stuff out there. So it was a cool way to pair them, because they are a cool pairing.
9/7/2010 c1 Avi689
I'm curious- what inspired this? I quite like it, and your Severus and Hermione are nicely in character.
I'm curious- what inspired this? I quite like it, and your Severus and Hermione are nicely in character.
10/22/2009 c1
Yes, he does have a headmaster to tell off-imagine how much Albus will care (not). After all, it's only Snape.

Yes, he does have a headmaster to tell off-imagine how much Albus will care (not). After all, it's only Snape.
10/18/2009 c1
What a lovely story - Hermione and Severus were both perfectly in character and the plot was well-thought out - very sweet :)

What a lovely story - Hermione and Severus were both perfectly in character and the plot was well-thought out - very sweet :)
9/3/2009 c1
15The Duchess of Telmar
I like this one; not a romantic gesture for once. Very sweet to read about how innocent she was again =D

I like this one; not a romantic gesture for once. Very sweet to read about how innocent she was again =D
8/19/2009 c1 Sarahetc
This story is so lovably awkward. I do wonder why Snape didn't bother to cast a Patronus to communicate with Hogwarts. To weak from sickness? But totally made up for by Hermione's muggle medicine cabinet. I hope he tells the Headmaster off thoroughly, as soon as he's recovered.
This story is so lovably awkward. I do wonder why Snape didn't bother to cast a Patronus to communicate with Hogwarts. To weak from sickness? But totally made up for by Hermione's muggle medicine cabinet. I hope he tells the Headmaster off thoroughly, as soon as he's recovered.
8/5/2009 c1
This made me smile! It's so detailed, and you captured both Hermione and Snape perfectly! It's endearing, it really is, thanks for sharing it!

This made me smile! It's so detailed, and you captured both Hermione and Snape perfectly! It's endearing, it really is, thanks for sharing it!