1/30/2010 c3
That story was quite adorable, even with the rampaging sex. : )
I love it when Draco has a nicer, cute side; it makes me want one like him even more ..

That story was quite adorable, even with the rampaging sex. : )
I love it when Draco has a nicer, cute side; it makes me want one like him even more ..
10/13/2009 c3
13The Crimson Sheath
OMG! So good! I can't wait for you to update! I'm so excited! It's all flowing so perfectly! I love it!

OMG! So good! I can't wait for you to update! I'm so excited! It's all flowing so perfectly! I love it!
10/7/2009 c3
I love it so far xD Is there going to be another chapter? Please? Pretty Please? :D

I love it so far xD Is there going to be another chapter? Please? Pretty Please? :D
9/4/2009 c3
Love your story it is so funny and the lemons were amazingly good. Hope you write more soon :)

Love your story it is so funny and the lemons were amazingly good. Hope you write more soon :)
9/3/2009 c3 kiki
wow this is really great keep going!
wow this is really great keep going!
9/3/2009 c1 Melora
For further writing, you may be interested in this site:
http:/ w w w . geocities . com /sapienti_university_of_magic (without the spaces)
It's a role playing site based on the Harry Potter world.
Either way, good luck with your writing and I look forward to reading more.
Melora Brockert, SUM student
For further writing, you may be interested in this site:
http:/ w w w . geocities . com /sapienti_university_of_magic (without the spaces)
It's a role playing site based on the Harry Potter world.
Either way, good luck with your writing and I look forward to reading more.
Melora Brockert, SUM student
9/3/2009 c3 MrsEdwardCullen13
They seriously are really cute together. I cant' wait to see waht happens in the dorm. Lol! Great job and please update soon! :D
They seriously are really cute together. I cant' wait to see waht happens in the dorm. Lol! Great job and please update soon! :D
8/11/2009 c1
8The Bird Of Fire
i REALLY enjoyed this story... and cant w8 4 ur next one...
U cant believe how happy i was wen i saw my own story - Mr Maybe- on ur fave list...

i REALLY enjoyed this story... and cant w8 4 ur next one...
U cant believe how happy i was wen i saw my own story - Mr Maybe- on ur fave list...
7/28/2009 c1 Celia
When's chapter two coming in? I can't wait to read it!
When's chapter two coming in? I can't wait to read it!
7/28/2009 c1 Jordan
This was so freaking hot I can't even stand it! I can't wait to read the rest.
This was so freaking hot I can't even stand it! I can't wait to read the rest.