Just In
for Good Enough

9/28/2018 c3 2HopezRefuge
please please please *begging position* continue this story
1/26/2011 c3 3Wingsofdark-Shadow-chan
more please and soon! - shadow-chan
6/10/2010 c3 Somebody
Love the story so far! can't wait for you to update!
3/16/2010 c1 crookshies
12/6/2009 c3 Mimicharlos
wow this is a good story.
12/1/2009 c3 3Little.SniperPanda
I love your story its super good! i hope you update soon!
11/28/2009 c3 9hungryforcookies
Oh. Does Tsunade have tricks up her sleeve?
11/27/2009 c3 6CoffeeLover13
11/27/2009 c2 CoffeeLover13
AWESOME-NESS! AGAIN! but i wish the chapters were longer... =]
11/27/2009 c3 5Sarcastic Nightmare
i liked it! I can't wait to see what happens with Hinata and the rest of them. Please update soon! =)
11/27/2009 c1 6CoffeeLover13
WOW! this is really good! I could feel how upset she was! I am looking forward to seeing where this will go! also on a side note i really like the pen name you chose! anyway! some realistic feelings going on here! AWESOME!
11/27/2009 c3 6I'm Not Psychotic. I'm Gifted
My only critique would be the changing of pronouns. At some points it sounds as though Sasuke is speaking, while most of the time, it's narration.

Other than that, I'm really enjoying it. =]

[And no, Sasuke wasn't too something. I thought you wrote him very well.]
11/2/2009 c2 5Sarcastic Nightmare
I like it. The summary really hooked me and I like how Hinata is going against her father in this. Awesome start and please update soon!
11/2/2009 c2 kisa
i like where this story is going but i would like to know when the Sasuhina will come in. i really hope you continue the story and i hope you update soon! :)
10/29/2009 c2 4Dominican Kitsune
Ooh! This is interesting! I reread chapter one so I could remember what this was all about and I must say I am liking what I am reading! I hope you update soon!
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