9/10/2010 c15 secret354
Yay for quick update! Haha Mimi overheard. Cute! Can't wait to read the final chapter! Good job :D!
Yay for quick update! Haha Mimi overheard. Cute! Can't wait to read the final chapter! Good job :D!
8/31/2010 c14 secret354
haha matt kidnapped them pratically. funny. cute chap and glad you updated. Continue :D.
haha matt kidnapped them pratically. funny. cute chap and glad you updated. Continue :D.
8/15/2010 c10 lais
continua sua historia é incrivel
continua sua historia é incrivel
8/12/2010 c13 11Anna C. Weasley
I just love this story! You have to post the next chapter, just can't wait fo it!
I just love this story! You have to post the next chapter, just can't wait fo it!
7/12/2010 c13 19secret354
sorry for the late review! been super busy. anyway great chapter and cant wait until you update. koumi forever :D
sorry for the late review! been super busy. anyway great chapter and cant wait until you update. koumi forever :D
5/19/2010 c11 secret354
Mimi gets up at 4:30 in the morning? haha. anyway good chap. excited for them interacting again after the kiss. Oh Joe and Tai... update soon :D
Mimi gets up at 4:30 in the morning? haha. anyway good chap. excited for them interacting again after the kiss. Oh Joe and Tai... update soon :D
5/14/2010 c10 secret354
stupid michael. haha sorry don't mind me. Kou's jealousy is kind of cute though because he's such a shy guy. I liked the chapter even if it was short. please update whenever you can! :D
stupid michael. haha sorry don't mind me. Kou's jealousy is kind of cute though because he's such a shy guy. I liked the chapter even if it was short. please update whenever you can! :D