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for Finding a Way in the Darkest Night

4/21/2022 c31 Bikechick
Please finish this story…it is so good!
4/5/2020 c31 Guest
Amazing story! Truly gripping at every point. I know this was posted 2011, but any chance of continuing Neil and christy’s Story? The world is such a dark place lately and it’s so rare to come across a talented writer that can get you gripped from the first chapter to the last,... can you please consider posting more? Beautifully written
4/4/2018 c31 Guest
Loved this story. I really wish it was finished. But great writing
7/8/2017 c18 Guest
Who took the horses home?
9/25/2016 c1 Guest
Where is the rest of this story. Its one of the best of these I've red. I'm so bummed it just trailed off.
10/20/2015 c1 2Owlnut73
One of my favorites.
3/1/2015 c30 TashaRose
I do hope you and your muse find it within themselves to continue this story at some point.
10/29/2013 c31 4Avistone
I really enjoyed this story. I hope one day you might be inspired to finish it.
9/2/2013 c31 TashaRose
I hope that someday you will continue this story and finish it. It is an amazing piece of writing. I would greatly enjoy seeing it finished.
2/17/2013 c9 Masquerada
Seriously?! David is a good guy and a Christian, which is more than can be said for that McNeill. David would never have done anything like that to Christy. Personally, I think McNeill is overrated. He's a rotten actor with the brains of a donkey and the manners of a boor, and I think Christy's an idiot for even considering him.
4/8/2012 c31 lovefanfic1053
Don't leave us like this please update

love this story
6/8/2011 c31 47rororogers
This is a good story. hope you start updating again soon. looking forward to the mask ball.
12/28/2010 c31 3DancingDoula
Good story! I'm so glad you are back to regular updates! I have read several of your stories and like your style. I like Neil and Christy's angst-the tension between them is palpable. Your characterizations are also good. I can't wait to see what happens at the masquerade. Well done.
12/27/2010 c31 1bgm76
Fantastic chapter! I'm so glad to see an update after so long. I love the comparison of Neil to Mr. Darcy. I can't wait to find out what happens next and meet the new preacher!
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