Just In
for Illegal Contact

2/27/2015 c2 2modunk
I was so happy to see this get reposted! It's always been one of my favorites.
2/27/2015 c10 parkesy23
Great chapter. Thank you
2/27/2015 c16 tkj001
Always love this story
2/26/2015 c9 parkesy23
Love it. Thanks.
2/26/2015 c16 twilight1972
I didn't get to read this the first happy you posted it again!
2/26/2015 c8 parkesy23
Lol. Love it
2/26/2015 c16 Guest
Please please please update!
2/26/2015 c16 thunnababy
I hope he accepts the Dallas job. Small town minds such as in Forks will drive them crazy. Of course there will no doubt be women throwing themselves at him once he does take the Dallas position. I hope Bella is prepared for that whole scenario. Love this story and Bella and Edward. Seth too! Jake I can do without! LOL.
2/26/2015 c14 Darcyfan14
Yeah! Finally !
2/26/2015 c16 3ssbksmm
More please :)
2/26/2015 c4 4Chuchi-28

I'm Sophie and I'm French. I read your fiction Illegal Contact, and I love it. So I ask you if you are agree I translate this fiction in French. If you don't want, I unterstand :) Of course, I will mentionned you in the translation.

Sorry for my English,
2/26/2015 c7 parkesy23
Brilliant. Thanks
2/25/2015 c16 1spannerbanana
Really enjoying this story, they are both super sweet and perfect for each other. Please update soon:)
2/25/2015 c6 parkesy23
Just love it
2/25/2015 c16 Guest
A snowstorm is starting and I need more chapters! I don't think I can go another day without some Illegal Contact!
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