Just In
for Love and Friendship

1/23/2016 c1 Great
So far i like the story. The only problem i have is its a little hard to read. i feel if you went over it again and fixed all the mistakes it would be easier. I can't wait to read more and find out the rest of the story! Keep making more stories!
8/23/2014 c32 Guest
This story is really good but your grammer and spelling makes it really difficult to read. All you need is a beta and this story would be one of my favourites
6/5/2013 c32 2Liz 1974
Annabell u kill me please say u r going to write more :)
1/11/2013 c32 Guest
9/7/2012 c32 1loventherussian17
Great loved it
11/22/2011 c1 1Fred's Hermione
i have to say i havent found many emmett and bella stories that have caught my eye but this one did and let me say this i love it
2/10/2011 c2 1lilroses123
I'm sorry but your grammar and spelling is so bad its difficult to read, painful almost. I suggest getting a beta cause I love the idea but it needs a lot of cleaning up and I think having someone to help you with that would be a tremendous idea and probably help with the development a bit.
8/8/2010 c17 foxylady1on1
look i am not being mean but... your plot story is really very good i am enjoying it but... your spelling and some times your grammer is not so good could you please get a bata cause at times i am finding it really hard to read and i don't want to stop reading cause like i said story plot is quite good. thanks
6/14/2010 c1 2inveiglee
This is so so difficult to read. I could barely even understand the summary. Please get a beta reader.
3/15/2010 c32 EmmettsBlondeBabe
Ha wow, 5 kids! I think I only want 3 maybe 4...but not 5...WOW! I loved your story, very well written :D
3/15/2010 c32 1Darkness isn't always bad
loved the story! =D
3/3/2010 c10 sweetestchik163
the story so far is cute.. but its makes it a little dif to read with the mistakes... But everything is really good
2/9/2010 c4 NikoleMasen
I'm enjoying this story but its a little hard to read with the grammar.
2/8/2010 c32 lovinglife2010
love it
2/7/2010 c32 greywolflove
very good story. will there be a sequel?
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