4/8/2014 c2 Hanyoualchemist1
Ohmygod I love this fanfiction so much already. Please update soon. I am so happy that your OC isn't a total mary-sue. Oh gosh. Please update, asap.
Ohmygod I love this fanfiction so much already. Please update soon. I am so happy that your OC isn't a total mary-sue. Oh gosh. Please update, asap.
9/19/2013 c2 Guest
interesting start...can you write more soon?
interesting start...can you write more soon?
6/2/2013 c1
aw i love it but come on it's been years since you updated could you please update?

aw i love it but come on it's been years since you updated could you please update?
2/4/2011 c2 huge sg1 fan
i think it is a really good story and i would love to hear more. i really hope you plan on finishing it.
i think it is a really good story and i would love to hear more. i really hope you plan on finishing it.
2/23/2010 c2 LuckyMe1
Interesting Story. Please write more, or maybe a little bit longer chapters. THANKS
Interesting Story. Please write more, or maybe a little bit longer chapters. THANKS
1/21/2010 c2 Supernatural Fan
It's really good please continue. You should use the episodes as guides. Well kind of and work your way through the series. I'm doing something like that as a school project. I don't know if that helps you any.
It's really good please continue. You should use the episodes as guides. Well kind of and work your way through the series. I'm doing something like that as a school project. I don't know if that helps you any.
1/8/2010 c2 KaganeTheGreat
This makes me...wanna...cry? And bash John in the face? Yea. You should write more...so I can cry and want to bash John in the face some more?
This makes me...wanna...cry? And bash John in the face? Yea. You should write more...so I can cry and want to bash John in the face some more?
11/23/2009 c2
wanna kick john's head in...update soon need to read more to form an opinion but so far is good

wanna kick john's head in...update soon need to read more to form an opinion but so far is good
9/20/2009 c1
2Andrea Beuficy
Do you mind updating this story? I really am curious. Plus, i like these type of story, sisterfic with overprotective brother.
Nice work with the story.
I'm so looking forward for the next chapters.

Do you mind updating this story? I really am curious. Plus, i like these type of story, sisterfic with overprotective brother.
Nice work with the story.
I'm so looking forward for the next chapters.