Just In
for The truth in the message

8/6/2009 c4 1royr1177
Cliff hangers curses,lol I like the story. Cant wait to see what he said
8/6/2009 c4 Sapphire Ookami
That is evil, I want to know what happened. Hope you update soon.
8/6/2009 c4 bb-4ever
oh boy who's he going to pick? Look forward to more soon
8/6/2009 c4 Dark Angel 792
No why? u puttin me threw agony. :) oh well. very good cliffhanger (as much to my dismay). cant wait for the next chapter
8/6/2009 c4 8bblove47
Gr. That we evil to end it that way!

Great story! keep up the good work!

Review soon
8/6/2009 c4 14irishleesh93
ohh I hope Booth chooses the right girl
8/6/2009 c4 nertooold54
This is not going to be easy to resolve:) He can obviously afford to lose Bonney, but not Bones. Ask Bones to stay.
8/6/2009 c3 3jmbatt
I like your story - funny and interesting. this made me lol: this girl was just like all the others; tall, great body, blonde hair, pretty and had the personality of a sheep.

Yeah, Booth would feel bad about a "sheep" after having Brennan as a partner. What's he gonna do? pps
8/6/2009 c1 10RowdyRomantic
8/6/2009 c4 16divine529
Bad bad cliff hanger! Please update soon I want to find out who it was really meant for even though I hope he says Brennan I don't really know do I? Keep up the good work.
8/6/2009 c4 csimesser1
that was good loved it
8/5/2009 c3 14irishleesh93
OMG Booth's in trouble. lol

YAY Brennan like the message that's good.
8/5/2009 c3 3quigely
Hilarity. Love it!
8/5/2009 c3 bb-4ever
evil cliff hanger. glad he admitted it was real even if it was in error. how will bones and bonney react? look forward to more soon
8/4/2009 c3 2labrat21
Oh! Booth is going to get his butt kicked! Bonney will just cry, but Bones will break his neck!
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