Just In
for This Heart,It beats For only You

10/4/2016 c3 Guest
Can ya please not ditch this awesome story pleaaaaaaase!
6/19/2015 c3 Lucia Ten
Please continue! What is going to happen next? What will Sesshy's father do? What will Sesshomaru do?
I want to know it !
9/23/2013 c1 overninethousand
sesshomaruandrinfaq . blogspot . com
sesshomaruandkagurafaq . blogspot . com
6/16/2013 c3 12Rin-Youki
please make more chapters
10/10/2010 c3 Yewberry Noon
I'm getting really into this story! I hope you can update soon! I'll be waiting!
1/21/2010 c3 8EmoJinx18
Aw its been over 5 months and you still haven't posted the new chapter. I hope that you do get it up lol. Hope you keep up the work

1/15/2010 c2 Archon1
aw! please write more i really like ur story! its hilarious!
11/9/2009 c3 Archon1
o! please write more! i really want to know what happens!
10/24/2009 c3 seyna
plz update soon its been a while
8/29/2009 c3 2Linneanna
a cliffhanger, how mean...

very nice chapter, sessh is soo hot xD

can't wait for the next chapter, so:

please, please, PLEASE update soon!
8/19/2009 c3 6dreaming of ravens at night
sesshy is so mean. but his chang ein attitude was unexpected. hope that's what you were going for. love it.
8/16/2009 c3 4Tentenperson-Temari cosplay
:3 lolz nice Keep on rockin-or typing!
8/16/2009 c3 11Daddy'sPoetryAngel
OH. WOW. You have to update soon. The suspense is killing me. I gotta know what's gonna happen. Oh and loved the chappy it was awsome. Keep it up and write...write...write. *grins* ^_^
8/16/2009 c3 Yuti-Chan
Please update soon!
8/16/2009 c2 Yuti-Chan
Great chappy ^^
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