Just In
for The Day The Volvo Got Keyed

4/21/2013 c2 1lydia98
please dont be to lazy to upload them i'm sure your not still grounded. please update PLEEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE. PLEASE
4/21/2013 c1 lydia98
that is amazing but is it finished?
4/12/2011 c1 6Mrs Whitlock Hale xxx
lolums funny u and your friends make asum stories
1/10/2010 c1 1theres only him
lolz nessie...hahaha charlie and edward. lolz i laugh

love you forever and always,

Aunt Rosalie @{-
9/18/2009 c1 1SkyeGavin
From the Content Guidelines;

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6. Chat/script format and keyboard dialogue based entries.
8/6/2009 c1 6Hollyesque
erm...sery, bt im gunna hav 2 say this is a miss. its a start tho, keep riting!
8/6/2009 c1 winky23
haha that was surprisingly funny, i thought it was gonna be stupid, good job hahah
8/6/2009 c1 3Culpeo Fox

I laughed and it was me who wrote it! I think... or you did. One of the segments right... does that make sense.

I absolutely LOVE the ending. Sigh, it was a crazy isnomnic night. ^^

-Alice- ^('.'^)

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