Just In
for Suicide Poem

3/24/2003 c1 9digimon4ever
oh my god. that was so beautiful. poor koushirou! i almost cried. but i'm a sap. great job, though.
3/25/2002 c1 Christina
I love this poem. I've feel exactly like this person did...I just don't have to courage to do waht he did!
9/24/2000 c1 matt
[crying so much can't speak]
8/21/2000 c1 Poted Plant
why dose everyone make Koushiro die!it's not fair!he has friends!why should he kill imself!nice fic besides the fact that Koushiro kills himself!1
8/8/2000 c1 Aardwulf
*shudders* Wow. That was haunting, morbid, and very well-written. Poor Koushiro. Excellent job.
8/5/2000 c1 Kitsunemon
*sniff* very emotional. A great story. (I have an unusual attraction to depressed Izzy fics.) :)
8/4/2000 c1 Frightened Again
Are you disturbed? What is it with you and killing people? If you are depressed, please, seek professional help, do not take it out on the Digi-destined! they didn't do anything to you!
8/4/2000 c1 11Krissy Izumi
*gasp* That was...SO...good! Wow, your depressing Izzy fic was better than mine! ^-^ I love fics and poems that make me cry, and when I finished this one I was running for the kleenex box. Ooh, it was so good! I hope you don't care if I print this out and let my Internet-depreived friends read it...I'm amazed! Really, really good!
8/4/2000 c1 Cybra
:::sniffs::: I'm touched!

8/4/2000 c1 14Gohan Hug
poor izzy

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