Just In
for Remus Sirius Jacob Black?

3/16/2010 c1 Hehe
Hehe...Nice conclusion but Jacob's a shape shifter not a werewolf.
1/28/2010 c1 23ShatteredHeart-BlueSapphire
HAHAHAHAHAHA! That's the greatest discovery mankind has ever done... after cookies that is. Hilarious! Out of ten I give it a twenty! It was funny! =]
1/17/2010 c1 1Sleeples92
1/4/2010 c1 1ReznorSol
Oh I had to hold in my laughter (I didn't want to wake my roommie) but this is just awesomely funny! Thank you for sharing! And obvioulsy some people can't take a joke...
11/30/2009 c1 Hannah
11/20/2009 c1 10PenonPaperFingersonKeys
Why do people insist of calling Remus and Sirius Remmy and Siri. THey are MEN, not ladies, men! But I respect your opinion. I thought Jacob and Sirius were long lost brothers or something. Contradicting with your story, Billy Black is Jacobs father and it mentions how his mother died.
11/14/2009 c1 randomusername30000
billie is jacobs dad - smartie
10/16/2009 c1 12WWT
Wow. XD No more coffee for you!
8/24/2009 c1 sayurikada

Very cute "revelation". Thank god that you didn't paragraph everything; when you bold sentences and chunk them together, people's eyes explode. :)

Good job.
8/23/2009 c1 Ginaaaa
Thank you for writing this, I needed a good laugh! I love Sirius and Remus together too.
8/19/2009 c1 32thraxbaby
What the...? I'll review when i stop laughing ^.^ didn't expect that!
8/14/2009 c1 44Translucent Darkness
Totally hilarious! I love it!
8/12/2009 c1 TazmaDevil
I love it, great way to bash twilight, almost scary how true it is! i also like how its written in your trail of thought
8/11/2009 c1 2RoseCourt
Cute, I also wondered about that, haha! and as for Lemo or whatever the hell is your name, its freaking(I didn't want to curs in case younger people read this) fan fiction, not the bible! chill out jeez!
8/10/2009 c1 26yaoikoibito
tee hee! i thought i was the only one who thought about this! XD

you deserve a hug! *huggles*

i'm so happy i'm not the one who thinks of this... *wipes away an imaginary tear* ;'D

do you know how much i love you? XD
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