Just In
for A Lesson In Rain

8/8/2016 c1 Alykitty17
Omg i gave my dog a heart attack almost from squealing sobloud about jim butcher's storm front! FINALLY someone else who reads the series! I'm on book 6 right now and am loving it! And this was the cutest thing i have ever read so far about vaughn, i needed something to fox my disappointment woth this wattpad stry i read and you made thebperfect pick me up :)
2/17/2014 c1 little miss fan
Loved it! playing Harvest Moon:island of happiness atm, and im tring to get my character (Chelsea) and Vaughn together, and reading good quailty fanfictions like your's makes the idea of the couple even more special, keep writing so that I (and the other who get to read you writing) can keep enjoying, thanks,
Nicky :D
6/27/2012 c1 Guest
Make another
11/1/2011 c1 YabooPurple
Ok, that's it. I'm going to the witch princess to make me swap places with Chels for a week... or perhaps a month XD Loved this, so cute, and I'm SO jealous of Chelsea!
9/4/2011 c1 Curious Reader
On a boring (And ironically rainy) day like today, with a cup of something warm, my laptop, and my feet up on the couch, often come to this site. I love the HM series so thought something new might be nice.

I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed this witty and sweet little fanfic. I'm having a hard time finding something to critique you on, due to the fact that i was laughing and smiling in immersion too much to notice anything to criticize.

The only thing I would say is that i wish it was longer, as it took me about 20 minutes to read, and I'm a sucker for long stories. However, the shortness rather suited it, and it's probably just me liking a story that would last me the entire day.

Overall, I enjoyed it, and would definitely come back for more if you were to write a sequel! Keep up the good work!

- Curious Reader :)
7/18/2011 c1 ADFBSFBS
Yes, i do want a sequel! Though this is like a oneshot. A long one, no offense.
7/16/2011 c1 14swingdancer23
So, so cute. Vaughn is adorable and witty in this one! :) Great job, keep writing :D
6/5/2011 c1 keytra
i relly liked it and i think vaughn is so sweet i'm jelous f chels
4/17/2011 c1 Captain Kebab
It's great.

I love the way you are writing 3
5/28/2010 c1 Chelsea
that was a great story and I did hate the rain to but if I meet some one like vaughn I would melt and love the rain at the same time.
1/27/2010 c1 126Inumaru12
oh my gosh, I LOVED this! I loved Chelsea, if she was really like that in the game, that would be so much fun. XDD Fave and Adding it to my community. ^^
1/19/2010 c1 19Ezzaria26
Well written! Adorable! Funny! And of course I love this couple. Now all we need is some sweet revenge for Chelsea so she can rest easy knowing she got him back...

Maybe that's not what you had in mind, but either way...

SEQUEL anyone? Because I say YES!
1/8/2010 c1 3St4rseeker
That's why what? Because she tasted like rain? I'm confused...

Btw, I ADORE rain. It made everything quiet. And dark. And cool.

I love what you did to their relationship. It's been a pleasure to read.
12/15/2009 c1 2ShadyMango123
o wot adam sandler movie? plz say little nicky- i luv that movie!

cute story, chelseaxvaughn is ma fav couple!
10/12/2009 c1 14Jay1892
Awesome story! I loved it!
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