Just In
for Have to Drive

1/4/2010 c18 PapiEsteven
Excellent story thank you very much
1/3/2010 c18 95smartkid37
Yes! I've been waiting for this. Great chapter!

love how you covered the talk Tim needed to have with Gibbs as well as Gibbs' continued concern for Tim.
1/3/2010 c18 139Meatball42
Wow. I can not even express just how incredibly amazing this story was. I'll have to take it in little bits to even scratch the surface. I'm at a disadvantage cause I just read this entire thing in one sitting, so i going hit by fluff, angst, semi-smut and everything and I still can't breath.

Wow. I love slash fics, and I've read a lot fo them. This is one of the less feasible ships for me, but I can say beyond a shadow of doubt that this is the bst slash fic I've ever read. Beyond that, this is the best McGee whump, McGee relationship, hell, best Mcgee story I've ever read. Definitely one of the best Tony stories too.

The case itself was astonishing. I love the way you opened it, and everything from then on was so emotionally charged and tense and PERFECT. McGee's remembering the girl from See No Evil and Jethro tracking the bad guy and Gibbs' boat... I hate case!fics, but this was amazing.

The non-con stuff. I read non-con stuff, most certainly for the h/c aspect. This managed to delve into some really deep issues realistically and believably, in-character and withought getting too graphic, but still getting the point across.

All the little things, like the way you put swears in exactly the right places for laughs or believable emphasis instead of pointedly ignored or filling up every paragraph. The little remarks you had Tony make of think or feel, even just in your narraration. Jimmy and Ducky's interference. McGee's hand shaking. The way you managed to get deep in a way most people, myself included, would never even consider, like Ziva and Tony's conversation about the truth, or even the lines about determination at the beginning of this chapter. All these things show your voice, your spot-on grasp of the character's personalities that even the fact that you wrote two guys who are straight in canon getting it on in an FBI safe-house seems believable, and not only that, but the natural, inevitable course for those characters to take. You pretty much convinced me that Timmy and Tony are meant to be together, even though I'm a huge Tiva shipper.

I would be adding this to my favorite stories list even if you didn't, say, catch Tony's movie obsession perfectly, or write Abby in such a way that I could swear you actually write for the show. But it's those little things I mentioned earlier, the author's VOICE that permeates every paragraph in this story that makes it unbelievably better. From the way you made Tim so intense in bed, a side of him I haven't read about in any other fic, to the simpel fact that when you had Gibbs talking to McGee about what happened, sometime when Tony was getting his soda, you wrote the fact that Tim's back was straight as a separate paragraph, which seems unimportant but really struck me and made me pay attention. For that reason, for the way I can't put my finger on what it is but it IS, that makes this story so unbelievably amazing, I'm adding you to my favorite author's list as well, and I don't do many nomination things for awards, but if I ever come across one for NCIS, this will be my first vote.

Now, I've babbled on even further than a fanfic author wants to read, and I think I've made my poiint that this is one of the best stories I've ever read, period, hands-down, that I'm going to end this all with a sentiment from the heart. Thank you so, SO much for writing this story. I can't even put into words, though I've certainly tried, how... great this story is. You're a wonderful writer, and you're wasted on fanfics! Write the next great American novel!
1/3/2010 c18 107LuipaardJack
What a wonderful ending! My hat is off to you madame - this story was truly incredible, and I hope that it stands the test of fandom and becomes a jewel of McNozzo fiction everywhere. Thank you for writing this incredible, intense and heartbreaking/wrenching/warming story.
1/3/2010 c18 37SilverCat63
It's over? Wow, I thought there was gonna be a lot more. I was thinking that Dougherty was gonna torture poor Tim again and you'd drag us all down into another big angst pit. But you didn't, and it's great, and I want more lol. Maybe a hot, smutty one-shot?

Anyway, loved the story, thanks for sharing!
1/3/2010 c18 6siltrana
glad that you finished it i love this story
1/3/2010 c18 Precious pup
Ah Thank you! I have been thinking about this story at random times for weeks and weeks hoping you would be able to finish it off. After such regular posting I was worried something had happened to you, you know?

I would love to see them healed up and their first night together but it makes sense why you ended it there. Beside hoping you will continue your other story to.

Thank you for writing. You really are very good.
1/3/2010 c18 5Evil Jenyus
loved it. loved it loved it loved it! i like ziva's lil assumption and tony's bitersweet reaction...and then abby fixing everything :P no seriously though, i've loved this entire fic, very orgininal, very fresh, and it is now my all-time favorite tony/mcgee fic ever :D good work, darlin, i'll be keeping an eye out for future fics ;)


the Evil Jenyus
1/3/2010 c18 Fullmetal Embers
Awesome story, awesome ending, although I can't help but pine for a sequel.
1/3/2010 c18 8missflapjack
I am so glad that this story has been updated! I was a bit desolate for a while there; thinking that you had left us all hanging. I did a little victory dance after seeing the update in my mail!

I adored the finale so much, and I look forward to the kickoff of your second story, The Right To Serve. Keep on serving us masses with your wonderful writing! We love it!

1/3/2010 c18 52Miss Barbara
Finally you ended the story!

I love that you just didn't let Tony kill the man but let Tony get shot and Gibbs kill the man later on.

I was kinda hoping for a little bit of fluff, but I am sure that it is almost better this way!

Can't wait to read more of you stories.
1/3/2010 c18 starjems88
loved it, sad to c it end:)
1/3/2010 c17 37SilverCat63
Um, hi - newcomer here! I just kind of stumbled across your story, and I completely devoured it, and I couldn't leave without leaving a review.

So uhh, I can see you haven't updated in a while so maybe you don't care anymore... which is a shame really because this is a very intriguing story. I'm new to NCIS, and I have to admit to being a bit (a lot) of a Tibbs (Tony/Gibbs?) kinda gal so the idea of Tony and McGee was just kind of... leaving me scratching my head. But you've totally made it work! I mean, I'm a bit of a sucker for hurt/comfort and first times, but really this is great. Did the muse abandon you for it or what? Is it over? *big big McGee worthy pout!*
1/2/2010 c17 spookmouse
so I ran across this on LJ and didn't realize until I was about halfway through that it's still a WIP. but by then I was too into it to be able to stop and wait for it to be done. AGH. I'll just be over here, making grumpy impatient noises. Go team go!

my patience issues aside: this is amazingly done. the voices are perfect, I love that even though the story is Tim & Tony-centric, you still worked in some great moments with the rest of the team. plus the story itself is really compelling, it reads like something that could easily happen in the show. ..y'know, apart from all the gay sex. which, by the way, HOT yes PLEASE toppy!Tim is like the best EVER.

absolutely can't wait to see where things go from here. I hope there'll be more soon!
12/20/2009 c17 babygirl12020
i cant wait to see how this ends
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