Just In
for Have to Drive

3/30/2015 c14 115flootzavut
I think I'm probably one of the minority in that I tend to read slash despite smut, not because of it ;p because an awful lot of the M/M smut I read just... well I didn't even bother with trying slash for the longest time because it all read like generic porn and it made me cringe, and it took finding a couple of actual decent writers of it to convert me. This, however, was in character (bliss!) and very hot and rather sweet and occasionally funny all at the same time, which is my kind of smut regardless of who's getting it on with whom. I thought Tony's overwhelmedness was funny and rather adorable, and I've always assumed that Tim being less than obviously confident would probably mean he would put a lot of effort in between the sheets, and that the fact he could actually keep up with Abby said a lot, so I can totally buy intensity being the name of his game ;)
3/30/2015 c13 flootzavut
"Might want to take that inside, Tim. This is a respectable neighborhood, they don't understand your kind of love."


I love how you're bringing Jethro into this :3

Also, Tony's mental note about having a change of clothes reminds me of the time he had to wear Ducky's spare NCIS outfit LOLOLOLOLOL

Well done Gibbs for giving Tim the necessary headslap ;D

I know there are still five chapters so I'm biting my tongue waiting for disaster, but I like that Gibbs is enlisting all the help he can to keep them safe.
3/30/2015 c11 flootzavut
*snort* that whole scene by the computer was soooooo adorable and then Abby *snort* you just know she would *unladylike sniggers*
3/30/2015 c10 flootzavut
Okay the fact the woman is called Pam Ayers kills me because Pam Ayres. Which may not mean anything to you, assuming you're not British anyway, but damn. All right, back to the actual story now.

"I'm impressive. Don't you hear the legends they tell about me around here?"

"I'm choosing to ignore those so I can maintain this sudden good impression I have of you."


"Tim was...was a pasty little dork with a permanent pout and the tendency to ramble on and on and on and on about the most boring crap in the entire world"

I feel almost guilty how much I sniggered at this. Bless. Accurate!
3/30/2015 c9 flootzavut
"The macho act looks better on me than on you."

"What doesn't?"

Now there's an exchange that couldn't been culled straight from the show ;)

"It was hard to look away from him, to break the gaze. There was something there, in Tim's face, like surprise but...deeper. Like awe. Like Tim really hadn't realized that Tony would go through hell to protect him.

Like now that he knew Tony would, it really meant something."

3/30/2015 c8 flootzavut
"Well, one, I'm not entirely sure there is a Golden Girls marathon on anywhere. And two, neither of us have hair long enough to braid. So I might have lured you here under false pretences."

big adorable eejit

I keep losing track of what's in the current chapter and what's not, so if some of these comments are a bit wayward, that's just my brain having a funny five minutes, just so you know.

I obviously totally forgot you had said this was a quiet chapter, because when Tim didn't answer the knocks on his door you had me worried he'd been abducted from right inside Gibbs' house 8-o

Me, I like a slow burn in all kinds of fic, so just to let you know that I'm sure some would be disappointed, I for one really like it ;D

"Gibbs didn't just talk that loyal Marine don't-leave-my-people-behind stuff because it was a nice rap. He hurt for his team."

And that's why we love him even though he's a jerk and a bastard and kind of an asshole. (And I will honestly never get over how damn sweet the man who actually plays him is.)
3/30/2015 c7 flootzavut
Tony getting all excited about a boys' night in is there most adorable thing, I laughed my ass off.

Gibbs doing his "oh my god I am going to regret this" permission for Tony to stay there too did give it a run for its money, though ;D

Tony and Abby squaring off about who gets to have Tim's back I cannot deal.
3/30/2015 c6 flootzavut
I clicked post too quickly on the previous chapter and forgot to say that I ADORE Ducky and Jimmy for being all over it and protecting Tim without needing to be asked, and Tony for making sure he has a story that fits the evidence. :3

I chuckled at that "intense" comment coming back to bite Tony in the ass, muahahahahaha.

"And that means something important that you're going to get around to telling me any minute now."

another pitch perfect Gibbs line!
3/30/2015 c5 flootzavut
Hurricane Scuito :3

"Tony frowned, waiting until Abby was looking back at Ziva before reaching over to straighten the mess she'd made with Tim's hair.

He turned back in time to catch a bemused eyebrow raise from Gibbs, and he felt his cheeks go hot inexplicably."

this made me laugh way too hard
3/30/2015 c4 flootzavut
"Pissed Gibbs... a glowering force of nature."


Oh, Tim :((((((
3/30/2015 c3 flootzavut
I had to laugh at Gibbs' long-suffering permission for them to bring Jethro back to the Navy Yard. I could just see/hear that moment so perfectly.

Tony showing off even to himself is so Tony :3

He understood the idea of privacy even if he didn't personally support LITERALLY CRYING LAUGHING STOP you have Tony so down pat it just kills me.

"He knew when to just be a prick and when to unleash the unholy temper"

perfect description is perfect
3/30/2015 c2 flootzavut
I am delighted that Gibbs' lack of tech savvy meant McGee had his phone. I see you there, character driven plot point, and I like you!

"The downside of being on Gibbs' team was laughably small when compared to the upsides"

Love this summary.



I love that you've put moments of humour into dark situations, that's very NCIS-ish.

Tense... reading on.
2/25/2014 c15 rigger42
I'd love to see a sequel or extended epilogue to this because the developing relationship is so great to watch, and it would be interesting to see how things progress as they get out from under this constant stress and heightened emotion, Abby's reaction, and Tim's healing.

One thing that confuses me, however, is why Tony seemed willing to capture Dougherty at the end - I thought he would just step into the room and put a bullet in his head as soon as Tim got out of the line of fire, but Tony had more than one opportunity. He had already stated he'd be killing him, so that seemed kind of strange to me.
1/5/2014 c18 Hunter
I read this three or four years ago and gave an embarrassingly fangirly review. Today I came back to it for the first time...and I want you to know that it holds up. This fic is still just as great as the first time I read it, and still one of the best I've read in NCIS, or in any fandom, for that matter. Very well done.
12/1/2013 c18 2musme
I love it
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