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for Have to Drive

11/19/2013 c18 207FallenAngel218
Ok... I'm finished. I enjoyed the story as a whole. Very nicely written. :)
11/19/2013 c15 FallenAngel218
I've been reading your fic for the past two days... and I think it's time I stop and review. :) Normally, I pass over slash fics with an M rating... but I like your writing style. I can feel the need for not only sexual contact, but just physical contact in general, an intimacy that you can only feel with that one person. It's very well written. Bravo!
8/21/2013 c18 Guest
Brilliant story, just couldn't stop reading! I stayed up half the night just reading. didn't want the story to end. Fantastic, by far one of the best I have read. Thank you.
8/14/2013 c1 3technoWriter15
I love McGee
7/28/2013 c18 Mirage
Sweet story, full of action and tension, the ending was great
love Tim- Tony pairings!and Gibbs was funny in the end
3/9/2013 c18 2Syrekx
Love this story! Thank you so much for this!
2/12/2013 c4 1Mikhyel
Oh dear. The rescue coming from terrible circumstances in chapter 4 of 18 can only mean that there's far worse to come...
2/1/2013 c8 Guest
I much prefer the way you develop relationships and allow discoveries of feelings to happen to the quick "getting together" that usually happens in these stories.
1/11/2013 c18 Earthdragon
I've just discovered this story and must say that it is one of the most exciting thrillers on the fanfiction site. The plot is very imaginitive and you have invented the most evil, depraved villains in the Dougherty brothers. What is more, you have captured the NCIS team perfectly; even though you have made Tony and Tim gay, which they are not in the series, you haven't altered their basic personalities. And to have Tony as narrator of the story works really well.

The team are wonderfully supportive of each other, instead of bickering and sniping (as they are so often portrayed in other stories). And I loved masterful, sexy Tim. They say it's always the quiet ones.

Even though I'm not normally a lover of slash stories, I really enjoyed this one as it was so well-written. Well done!
11/24/2012 c18 3Alohamora-Obliviate
Very entertaining! Suspense, humour, and romance. Well written!
11/6/2012 c18 3girlface
Amazing story, anytime you get bored I think you should write a sequel...maybe Tony's Golden Girl's drinking game?!
11/5/2012 c10 Guest
Please... make it sound as if Tony is at least 19 years older then Tim.. Well he's only 8 years older but the writers keep changing Tony's birth year four times during the series. Tony can be serious and yes he does look out for the rest of the team, he's not so stuck up that he would just laugh everything off.. Abby's a little bitch since Gibbs treats her as if she can't do anything wrong.. The way she uses Tim and then she pretends to be such a great friend to Tony.. She's a back stabbing bitch..
10/7/2012 c2 Guest
The books were based on them. He admitted they were. Tommy was Tony, Pimmy Jalmer was Jimmy Palmer. If they weren't then why would that killer go after Abby and try to kill her? Even that guy knew that Abby was Amy. After all he wrote everything about Abby's room. Why did Ducky say that Tony better not read a certain chapter? If they weren't based on him? If I was Jimmy I would of sued him because of what he wrote about me. Talk about unoriginality. He couldn't think of anything else to write so he wrote about his teammates. Look at all the other writers out there that don't write about people they know because they have an original thought.
Lately? McGee's smarts could twist into arrogance way too easily- They have already been to arrogant and egotistical. Because Tony has a PE degree he thinks he's so much smarter than Tony. He throws his two degrees in Tony's face. When Tony told him not to mix those two ingredients and he didn't listen because he said I have a degree at John Hopkins and look what happened. Tony doesn't have a degree there, but at least he knew what would of happened. He always throws his degrees in his face and once in Abby's face and she hated it too.
9/8/2012 c18 1esinger
This story is amazing! I love all the drama and then all the romance when they finally got together. Thank you so much for weighting this.
7/31/2012 c18 2Textcrazy
Love tim. Love Tony. Loved the story!
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