Just In
for Glass Edged

6/29/2012 c7 Guest
XD Good way to break the ice at the end of this chapter!

I think them being siblings actually works well, after all it's the same dilemma with Quaxo/Victoria.

I LOVE the way you put unusual couples in this! (even if I would've liked a Quaxo/Demeter better, but these are really good too)
12/28/2009 c9 9Missa Catlover
Great Job! Please post soon!
12/27/2009 c9 17SummerRose12
Great chapter, as usual. The mud fight made me giggle, and I actually liked the Misto/Rumpelteazer. And some new characters are being added to the mix! I can't wait to see what happens next. This story is both hilarious and epic! Please Update soon!
12/25/2009 c9 6WanderingSparrow
Toms...*Shakes Head* Poor Teazah... LOVED the rest!
12/24/2009 c9 42jelliclesoul635
Aw, well that’s not good.

I like the teen relationships though. It’s cute.

Continue soon? I missed this story a lot while it was gone…

12/23/2009 c8 17SummerRose12
Don't worry. Take all the time you need.
12/23/2009 c8 42jelliclesoul635
I was wondering what was going on with this story, I kept thinking about it in my mind. xD

Well, thank you for clarifying, I’ll be looking forward to the next chapter!

11/2/2009 c7 13One Fujoshi Otaku Among Many
I like this! I can't wait to hear more!
10/31/2009 c7 kamarikitten
Aw...that was a really good story! And such a nice refreshing change to see a brother/sister pairing in Munkustrap and Demeter. Keep up the good work.

Kamari Kitten.

10/3/2009 c7 42jelliclesoul635
AW! I love the forgiveness that’s rapidly encompassing the tribe of the Jellicles. And how funny! Tugger definitely deserved the mud to his mane! XD

And I liked how you slipped the beginning of the Bombalurina/Demeter friendship in there. Nice job.

Continue! I’ll be waiting! ;)

10/3/2009 c7 Demianka
Love this chapter! So cute!
10/2/2009 c7 reviewer
this is cool, keep writing. Love the ending of chapter 7
10/2/2009 c7 Arianlyne
YAY, they're becoming friends! Tugger totally deserved that one, though I feel bad for his mane ^_^
10/2/2009 c7 12namedeleted18
This was such a good chapter. I'm glad all the kittens were forgien, Even Tugger.

I do feel kind of sorry for Alonzo though. xD
10/2/2009 c7 6WanderingSparrow
*grins from ear to ear* Loved it! So custe!*Smiles impishly* WHACK WHACK! *Throws mud at * If your wondering, that means your chapter was awesome!


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