Just In
for Changes

7/18/2011 c8 Starr123
Argh! Don't leave it on a brilliant cliffhanger! This is gripping :)
1/27/2011 c8 8bob-fred93
please keep going... you cant stop there...i mean talk about a bloody cliffhanger... please continue... pretty pretty pretty please :D
6/17/2010 c8 Ellen Asher
Well gwd i am so into tis story n it so deserves a few more chapters babes...x!
2/18/2010 c8 SlightObsession
OMG please carry on love the stroy so far
1/9/2010 c8 Ellen Asher
Please carry this on its well gwd.

In wr cross overs u should do a my sisters keeper crossover with Racehal n either Chris or Eddie in it or do 1 like tat on you-tube.

Tat is how gwd I tink u r at things like tis.

So please...
1/6/2010 c8 Ellen Asher
Please carry tis on it is very gwd
12/29/2009 c1 number1fannie2009
hey its me,,

ur storey is great/amazing/wicked

i'll explain the name on a private message kk

speak soon from ashleighh
12/20/2009 c8 85theoofoof
Love it

(but then you knew that already didn't you!)

Can't wait for the next chapter!
12/20/2009 c8 Ellen Asher
Please carry this on it is fantastic i really want to know what happens...x!
12/17/2009 c8 28reddie09
great cannit wait till ya update
12/1/2009 c4 85theoofoof
Wow, Beccy - this is really good. An original idea. Can't wait to see what happens next.

Just a pointer - just keep an eye on your spelling/puctuation and grammar. I know it's hard - you read your own work so many times that you just end up reading what you want to be there. If you want a beta reader, I'd be happy to look at any future chapters for you? Let me know.
11/16/2009 c7 34Celticgirl84
Brilliant I loved it, but please let Rachel be OK.

Oh, and lots of Reddie
11/15/2009 c7 15MissAnderson92
Update soon x
11/8/2009 c6 MissAnderson92
Great chapter update soon x
10/28/2009 c6 34Celticgirl84
I hope Rachel lives, long live REDDIE, even if its only in our fics.

Great story
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