Just In
for The Moments She Cherished

5/22/2011 c40 K145632
I really like these stories :) They are fluffy and fun
1/11/2010 c40
Just wondering when you'll be posting another chapter for this great story line. Looking foreward to the next posting which I hope is soon.
10/21/2009 c40 regbride12
Hey no worries- RL happens and RL stuff comes first! I liked the first years part in Ch.40 ;)
10/12/2009 c40
Thanks for posting again. Understand about homework and stuffy noses. Hope you're feeling better. Maybe that could be used for some of your chapters. Just a thought. Looking foreward to the next posting.
10/12/2009 c40 10lizzyathogwarts
haha, lol, ron is an imature git! :P
10/12/2009 c39 lizzyathogwarts
aww, cute! i was wondering if you were quitting this story!
9/30/2009 c38 regbride12
Hehe I love Crookshanks- always a pain to Ron aww :) Cute chapter!
9/30/2009 c38 lizzyathogwarts
hahahaha, ron's so stupid! :D
9/30/2009 c38
Thanks for doing a posting with that loveable fur-ball! Enjoyed reading it very much. 2 of my 3 cats like to lay down with me when I take an afternoon snooze. Looking foreward to the next posting.
9/30/2009 c38 10cannotstopwriting
Crookshanks was really good in that (I know she's a cat), but I think how you played on her constant dislike for Ron was good!
9/29/2009 c37
Another interesting chapter posted by you. Wonder if you could do 1 with that loveable fur ball-Crookshanks. Just wondering. Looking foreward to the next posting.
9/29/2009 c37 cannotstopwriting
Haha, that was really good I thought it was really believeable etc.
9/28/2009 c37 10lizzyathogwarts
aww... that's cute! :D
9/28/2009 c37 regbride12
Her boss is a pig- Ron would pound him like hamburger meat if she tells him ;)
9/27/2009 c36 regbride12
I love how Ron and Hermione were the most realistic of couples-they love each other no matter what but will always have their rows/arguments. Great work! Keep it up! :)
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