1/11/2010 c40 annajesse65230yahoo.com
Just wondering when you'll be posting another chapter for this great story line. Looking foreward to the next posting which I hope is soon.
Just wondering when you'll be posting another chapter for this great story line. Looking foreward to the next posting which I hope is soon.
10/21/2009 c40 regbride12
Hey no worries- RL happens and RL stuff comes first! I liked the first years part in Ch.40 ;)
Hey no worries- RL happens and RL stuff comes first! I liked the first years part in Ch.40 ;)
10/12/2009 c40 annajesse65230yahoo.com
Thanks for posting again. Understand about homework and stuffy noses. Hope you're feeling better. Maybe that could be used for some of your chapters. Just a thought. Looking foreward to the next posting.
Thanks for posting again. Understand about homework and stuffy noses. Hope you're feeling better. Maybe that could be used for some of your chapters. Just a thought. Looking foreward to the next posting.
9/30/2009 c38 annajesse65230yahoo.com
Thanks for doing a posting with that loveable fur-ball! Enjoyed reading it very much. 2 of my 3 cats like to lay down with me when I take an afternoon snooze. Looking foreward to the next posting.
Thanks for doing a posting with that loveable fur-ball! Enjoyed reading it very much. 2 of my 3 cats like to lay down with me when I take an afternoon snooze. Looking foreward to the next posting.
9/30/2009 c38
Crookshanks was really good in that (I know she's a cat), but I think how you played on her constant dislike for Ron was good!

Crookshanks was really good in that (I know she's a cat), but I think how you played on her constant dislike for Ron was good!
9/29/2009 c37 annajesse65230yahoo.com
Another interesting chapter posted by you. Wonder if you could do 1 with that loveable fur ball-Crookshanks. Just wondering. Looking foreward to the next posting.
Another interesting chapter posted by you. Wonder if you could do 1 with that loveable fur ball-Crookshanks. Just wondering. Looking foreward to the next posting.
9/28/2009 c37 regbride12
Her boss is a pig- Ron would pound him like hamburger meat if she tells him ;)
Her boss is a pig- Ron would pound him like hamburger meat if she tells him ;)
9/27/2009 c36 regbride12
I love how Ron and Hermione were the most realistic of couples-they love each other no matter what but will always have their rows/arguments. Great work! Keep it up! :)
I love how Ron and Hermione were the most realistic of couples-they love each other no matter what but will always have their rows/arguments. Great work! Keep it up! :)