11/24/2024 c4 Rosemoor
Wished you had finished this. I've just finished reading your other NCIS stories and enjoyed then very much. It's a shame you're not writing any more.
Wished you had finished this. I've just finished reading your other NCIS stories and enjoyed then very much. It's a shame you're not writing any more.
2/6/2024 c4 Vadercat
Im guessing you were planning to continue this, but never got enough feedback to do so. Pity, I'd have liked to know what Tim and Gibbs were planning.
As a writer you need to stand by your stories, our opionions are just that, opinions. Your thoughts and words are what matter.
Im guessing you were planning to continue this, but never got enough feedback to do so. Pity, I'd have liked to know what Tim and Gibbs were planning.
As a writer you need to stand by your stories, our opionions are just that, opinions. Your thoughts and words are what matter.
12/27/2021 c4 HoneyBear84
Love it so far and seriously hope you will start updating it again someday soon
Love it so far and seriously hope you will start updating it again someday soon
9/20/2021 c4 amaia
FANTASTIC story... but it's 2021, so I have to end it myself. What a shame.
FANTASTIC story... but it's 2021, so I have to end it myself. What a shame.
9/12/2020 c4 Debbie
I like this story very much especially the first time that I read it. That was a few years ago, and I decided to read it again because I thought that you had finished it, but it seems like that is not the case. I so hope that you will take the time to finish it now. I would like to see the reaction from Abby, McGee, Ziva and Gibbs when they find out that he is not going and I would like to see that Sheppard should get a bad reaction from the other Senior Field agents when they find out that she used them to pass on the rumour. I do not like that she did not read Agent Gibbs on the black ops so that he could give Tony backup when she can not provide it herself. Thanks!
I like this story very much especially the first time that I read it. That was a few years ago, and I decided to read it again because I thought that you had finished it, but it seems like that is not the case. I so hope that you will take the time to finish it now. I would like to see the reaction from Abby, McGee, Ziva and Gibbs when they find out that he is not going and I would like to see that Sheppard should get a bad reaction from the other Senior Field agents when they find out that she used them to pass on the rumour. I do not like that she did not read Agent Gibbs on the black ops so that he could give Tony backup when she can not provide it herself. Thanks!
8/23/2019 c4 dragonBug27
"What the heck?" That was my reaction when I realised there was no more to read LOL!
"What the heck?" That was my reaction when I realised there was no more to read LOL!
6/26/2019 c4 Mandy153
Please please finish this brilliant story
Please please finish this brilliant story
2/20/2019 c4 ArshiRihlanRaizadaRahl
I love it, I want read more please, don’t give up et update soon.
I love it, I want read more please, don’t give up et update soon.
2/2/2019 c4
19Tempest's Rain
I really hope you decide to finish this story one day as I really like how you've written it

I really hope you decide to finish this story one day as I really like how you've written it
3/4/2018 c4
Wait please tell me you have more written up somewhere. It's about time the team takes third head out of their arse. Please I want to read on.

Wait please tell me you have more written up somewhere. It's about time the team takes third head out of their arse. Please I want to read on.
11/13/2017 c1 Guest
He should of taken the job team gibbs treated him like shit
He should of taken the job team gibbs treated him like shit
9/3/2017 c4 Debbie
I really like this story. I was really hoping that you would finish it. I also thought that you had chapter 5 almost finished , so why has it not been posted? You do such a great job at on these stories , I don't understand why this is not finished. Please do not take this the wrong way. I just really enjoy all of your stories about NCIS. Please keep up the good work. Thanks.
I really like this story. I was really hoping that you would finish it. I also thought that you had chapter 5 almost finished , so why has it not been posted? You do such a great job at on these stories , I don't understand why this is not finished. Please do not take this the wrong way. I just really enjoy all of your stories about NCIS. Please keep up the good work. Thanks.