Just In
for Grindhouse Bossa Nova

1/11/2010 c1 4Steveothepirate
Very nicely done. The gritty tone is perfectly pulled-off, and the vivid descriptions of violence contradicting the Four Acres' "background music" leaves me with a Pulp Fiction or A Clockwork Orange flavor.

Wonderful start. Hope you continue the tale. =)
8/22/2009 c1 7thestrange-ladymalz
Very nice start. Nice amount of detail, and the pace is good. Cant wait for the next chapters. Keep going!

8/21/2009 c1 6TNTCrash
Short scene, well written and leaning towards a very dark atmosphere that could make you wonder if there's something else going on in the background. It definitely holds emotion. Can't wait for it to continue.


PS Thanks for the review I haven't been on the site recently.

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