Just In
for Newton's the Man

2/17/2010 c1 jaydedangel69
Great story! Kept me laughing,I really enjoyed! Keep up the great work. Thank you. :)
12/19/2009 c1 GANSTA101
Dont know why im laughing at this, but im kind of confused. But anyways Mevin is perfect.
8/22/2009 c1 7JennyMoriarty
I must say...I absolutely adored it. I thought it was so cute. And you wrote Kevin really REALLY well. Kudos for that! Loved the thing about the missing half of his brain. Very random. Very Kevin Lucas. Are you considering writing a second chapter? Cause I happen to feel a tensy bit sorry for Macy. Awesome writing. Loved it.

8/22/2009 c1 Lillian Malone
Captured the characters perfectly. Aren't Kevin/Macy and Joe/Stella the cutest couples ever? And Nick is just..cute, lol. I look forward to reading more of your work.
8/20/2009 c1 15xovickixo
Heh, this was fun/sweet! I loved Kevin's thought process throughout it. Bears are the best plot device ever, yes? This also contains, quite possibly, the best use of Newton EVER! :)

"I'm sorry Mace... I gotta go if we want to continue this later." -aw!

This most definitely did not suck! And I also agree that the run on sentences very much worked for this.
8/19/2009 c1 186JDPhoenix
"Not that great"? Are you kidding? That was awesome! I laughed through almost the whole thing! It was genius! I can't decide if my favorite part is the line about Mr. Bumble or Kevin trying to remind Stella that she loves him and then blurting that he loves Macy. And hiding in the girls' bathroom, that is pure Kevin logic right there. Amazing job on this, I can't wait for the next chapter!
8/19/2009 c1 95LittleRedOne
I love this! Great job. I could see it all happening. Very funny. :)
8/19/2009 c1 31mint repeat
See if my ninth grade physics book explained it like you did. I would have gone higher than C.:P

This was awesome and don't worry about the run-on sentences. They detailed Kevin's thought processes really well and I really like how he cause Joe to cause trouble and then get Nick involved.

Of course, hiding in the girls bathroom was genius but what was nicer was his collision with Macy and the moment they had. I look forward to reading more and I hope Kevin makes it out in one piece cause he needs to finish the moment with Macy!

Great start. :)
8/19/2009 c1 3Tna-A
haha I love Kacy fics but the fact that Kevin was running for life and used scientific principles to reason what's happening I almost fell out of my dorm bed because it was that funny. Aw I wish there was a resolution though. Kind of drifted off with the "continue this later.." bit. I wish it could be stronger. Favorite quote of this was "It was like a death dance, with Kevin just waiting for that final spin." That was a beautifully written sentence! Gotta love imagery and similes.

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