Just In
for A Certain Romance

5/8/2010 c3 6chocolate fish
I really can't wait for the next chapter!
11/30/2009 c2 chocolate fish
This is so exciting! It's the second time that I've been mentioned in an A/N when I don't know the person! I really love this story, especially as my name is Stella too so... that helps! Major sux about Minnie not letting Sirius sign harry's form. How old are Pollux, Iris and Freya? Freya is a 1st year, harry, ron and hermione are 3rd year, what about Lux and Iris?
9/9/2009 c1 chocolate fish
This is going to be one of those annoying reviews that say "Write more A.S.A.P!" But I will also say that I thought that it is really good, I like Sirius alive; I'm convinced that right after Bellatrix was killed (perfectly, I might add "Not my daughter, b*h!") by Molly, Sirius came strolling out from the curtain, ready to live for the first time since he was 19-20ish. I liked it, especially Stella (she's got my name!) and how Harry came to them. Kudos,

-Chocolate Fishy

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