11/14/2019 c8 sunhorse5555
Pretty please finish this story! I absolutely must know what happens with Nancy, Frank, and Lizzie!
Pretty please finish this story! I absolutely must know what happens with Nancy, Frank, and Lizzie!
2/15/2018 c8 Guest
Do you plan on finishing this story?
Do you plan on finishing this story?
12/19/2016 c8 zahra
could you plz complete it i want to know the ending
could you plz complete it i want to know the ending
6/7/2016 c8 6AlecceaMorefile
This is really good. I know it's been years, but I wold love it if you decided to start back up with story. :)
This is really good. I know it's been years, but I wold love it if you decided to start back up with story. :)
11/30/2015 c8 Guest
Two and a half years since the last update?
Two and a half years since the last update?
11/19/2015 c8 Kendra
Are toy going to continue the story?
Are toy going to continue the story?
7/15/2014 c8 mg
how long are u gonna abandon this story? its bad enough that frank and nancy havent got back together yet, and u've left this story for sooo long!
pleeeeeeeez continue writing this one..atleast for this avid reader!
how long are u gonna abandon this story? its bad enough that frank and nancy havent got back together yet, and u've left this story for sooo long!
pleeeeeeeez continue writing this one..atleast for this avid reader!
7/12/2014 c8 Guest
Any chance of you continuing this story? I love it, and really hope you finish it.
Any chance of you continuing this story? I love it, and really hope you finish it.
4/29/2014 c8 crissa
WOW! Amazing so far. Please update soon
WOW! Amazing so far. Please update soon
2/15/2014 c8 Guest
Please continue to update this story! It's getting really good!
Please continue to update this story! It's getting really good!
9/7/2013 c8 Guest
Please update soon!
Please update soon!